Just in the last several days - fours different instances at the G7 where Senile Biden was a laughingstock of other world leaders. Europe loves having the dementia patient to push around at will
1. Labour Party member comments “At least Trump was attentive,” says Biden can’t keep up with G7 events or follow note cards, per WH official
2. Trudeau overheard telling staffers he expects Kamala Harris to be President by the end of 2022 per WH official attending G7
3. Senile Biden thinks Syria is Libya. (Made mistake multiple times in G7 speech)
4. Embarrassing - G7 leaders laughed as Biden jumped in to remind Boris Johnson not to forget South African president Cyril Ramaphosa, just moments after the British PM introduced him.
5. And how the WH staff try to keep him on the rails as his dementia worsens by the day. Senile Biden is only “allowed” to call on reporters approved by his staff. The worst part is—he admits it.
Biden: “I’m going to get in trouble with staff” if I don’t call from pre-approved list of reporters
6. His brain is mush "WTF??? "A lot of people may not know what COVID is..."
7. Please enjoy this video of Joe Biden wandering around looking lost at the G7 summit in England before he was rescued by his wife
This unmitigated disaster is what years of media lies and gullible low information liberals wrought. Our country is screwed