Are yall noticing this new site? Slixa????

I noticed these banners all over ECCIE so I went to check it out.
I rarely look at the banners...but this time I am so glad I did.

It's called SLIXA.....OMG this site is awesome. Please sign up so they last. We need a site like this to advertise on right?.

Look at their pricing. They are cheaper for a month than BP is for a week. The profile for the girl are huge and amazing.
Guys What Do You Think?......

We providers are so ready for a site like this. I love it ...What do yall think of it?

Thanks Allison, yeah I've noticed the banner also, but never clicked on it. I wonder if it will be big in upstate NY? Just one way to find out I guess.
This site is new.
How are they going to generate the same amount of traffic/exposure that eros & bp does?

Well its free for now..... might as well.
burkalini's Avatar
I took a look at the site and can't see how as a Hobbyist I can take a look inside.
pyramider's Avatar
Become a provider ...
It looks like someone is an affiliate....

I'm personally wary of signing up for new sites since most don't let you deactivate your profile, but this is a pay site. I wouldn't pay for them if I couldn't gauge the amount of traffic first. The 30 day trial is going to be nonconsequential.
I heard of them, but I don't know where they came from or how they plan on making "Slixa's traffic convert to paying clients" as their website states. Perhaps they have the ultimate black book. There's been a lot of these sites popping up like this lately, but I ust admit it's good to see it's not a vbulletin style forum and it does have a more attractive design. The prices are attractive, but results are more important than price. The site needs girls to keep guys, but I can't imagine how the guys would join without being able to see what exactly it is they're paying for. As long as it's free for providers I don't mind trying it, but I am a tad skeptical.
  • Joyce
  • 11-07-2012, 07:57 PM
Looks like something changed... all it has now is email entering...
I was skeptical too....but so curious because of the shear number of banners on ECCIE they have blew me away.

So as a marketing company for the provider who is always looking for great ways to promote themselves and increase their business. I decided to call them. I figured I would get a recording or call center but no. I explained to the lady who answered the phone where I had found them and who I was. The next thing I know..

I was speaking to Lee Ann, the Brains behind this stroke of genius. We ended up speaking for over an hour. She is quiet amazing and this operation appears to be well funded by some deep pockets.
With out going to too much detail myself....I will tell you she outlined how they are and will be driving hobbyist traffic to the site and how much $$$ the have dedicated to that.Lets just say that if this was a review it would look like this $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$

She discussed with me her amazing background in the the various web presences in and around this industry. I truly can say if you are at all curious call and speak to Lee Ann or someone with the company...They are totally approachable.

Now I realize this board may be the wrong place to to taught a pay site for providers since this one is free, but I assure you most all providers who are this for the long-haul know this is a business and like any business, it takes money to make money. There monthly rate will be less that a weekly sponsor on BP here in Houston and less than a third of EROS.

Slixa feels it's main competitor is EROS in respect to business model.
I have always been a fan and promoter of EROS but they have become very expensive because they feel they are the leader...Which they are but they also have lost site of the original focus... Now there are so many distraction and pop overs etc... I think Slixa has built a better Mouse Trap and have the funding to go the distance.

This is a quote right from the pre launch site and a sentiment Lee Ann drove home when we spoke.

Our only goal is to drive high quality traffic to your profile page and beyond, sending potential clients to your website, email, or phone. You will never find third party ads or popups on Slixa. We will never degrade your image by placing you next to porn, cam or hookup dating site ads. We'll never divert traffic away from you or compete with you for page views.

I strongly encourage everyone to sign up for the free haul...{ it could be longer than 30 days...} They require no CC or payment method to do so and you can remove you profile anytime you want.

Look It Over Click Here
You get paid by the click or by the signup?

It would have to be longer than 30 days, because by no means is any other directory is competing with EROS for traffic right now. Geisha Affair gave about 6 months, and still isn't there yet, and I know it's founders' and affiliates' reputations whereas I know no one behind Slixa.

This world is about options. If hooking up on cam is what a guy's into, and that's more accessible than you are, that's what he's going to do. There is a point to that type of marketing. While it's profitable for EROS, it's usually meant to make the ladies on the site a better and easier option. If a lady felt like she's not getting the traffic she deserves because she's next to a dating site ad, she may as well take down her advertisements all over the internet. Men know what their options are, and either you're appealing enough to call or not.

I admit, it's a very pretty site, but I'll join when the traffic's up.
Tiffany I can always count on you for an intelligent debate...You are one smart chick!

You get paid by the click or by the signup?

Not by either. As I said it is my job to find great places for ladies to promote themselves. I am generally paid by the provider to write and post their ad copy and suggest where and how the advertising works best... not by the websites. I have chosen this business model so I can be objective. My observation from day one of this site and opinions are based on the need for good competition amongst the places provider advertise. When business have to compete for our money we the advertiser benefit. Yes I told Slixa because I believe in their plans, business model and we need the competition for ad dollars that I would help promote them because I think we need choices and because I am all about results I asked them to build be a URL so I can see if my efforts are helping. Thus the But I am not being paid by the click or the sign up. Not as of yet...but it has been offered. I said I preferred to wait and see where this goes. Right now I just would like to see the site survive and prosper and grow.

[QUOTE =Tiffani Jameson Men know what their options are, and either you're appealing enough to call or not.

I don't know about you... but I speak to various providers every day that come in contact with men that are new to the hobby or new to how the hobby is now advertised. Plus no matter how long a man has been in the hobby, we all know how this industry promotes itself is ever changing/ So thus his option are ever changing.

As for being appealing... I think it's more attention span based situation than just being appealing plus men can find many things appealing at the same time. For this reason I believe it isn't as beneficial and wouldn't advise a client be placed next to an ad that could draw their attention( if they can help it). Especially at the 100 plus dollars a month they would be paying for that. But I admire your confidence.

BTW.... Wikipedia says... Focused attention is a short-term response to a stimulus that attracts attention. The attention span for this level is very brief, with a maximum span, without any lapse at all, that may be as short as 8 seconds.

From Marketing Today...Average attention span is 8 seconds…..for a gold fish it’s 9 seconds…. What does this mean to you and your marketing efforts? You have only seconds to get your point across.

[QUOTE =Tiffani Jameson I admit, it's a very pretty site, but I'll join when the traffic's up.
We'll ( my clients and I) be there waiting for you... this is one and there will be plenty more...

...also unlike EROS, Slixa will give advertisers their traffic. You will know how many have looked at you profile. I have suggested, asked and pleaded with EROS to do the same... They do not. As a matter of fact this is about the only industry that advertiser pay for advertising and are afforded no ability to see the results of how they spend their money.

[QUOTE Tiffany Jameson It would have to be longer than 30 days, because by no means is any other directory is competing with EROS for traffic right now. Geisha Affair gave about 6 months, and still isn't there yet, and I know it's founders' and affiliates' reputations whereas I know no one behind Slixa.

AS for Geisha. .... Louis & Meeshee ran the site free to providers for just over a year to be correct. But they were selling other advertisement on the site.

Meeshee was the first photographer I ever worked with as a provider. I have known Meeshee and her husband Louis for years. I was marginally involved when they were researching what and how to do the site. I was asked , for compensation to help promote the site. For a variety of reasons it never came to that. The biggest of which I was busy getting Magnific Media off the ground. But I supported , promoted and recommended Geisha in much the same way I am this site because I believe competition is healthy.
As fabulous as they both are, I believe the most important thing they didn't/don't have that this company Slixa has, is the deep pockets for traffic generation and the know how to get it. The other thing is, an in depth internet/web industry background coupled with the provider industry for the folks at Slixa . Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Once again. I encourage anyone to call and speak with them as I said they are extremely approachable.
I certainly understand about waiting to see, but they are offering some good incentive to try the free time.

I'm glad you're understanding I don't mean you any harm.

I completely understand the need for more competition. I remember when I could put my ad anywhere and get business. Between Sexyescortads, NaughtyNightlife, ProviderReport, EroticNorthAmerica, and Girl-Directory, I didn't have to fool with Eros or even pay for ads!

And while all of these sites STILL see tremendous amounts of traffic every month (sexyescortads sees 88K/month. ECCIE only sees 64K/month), it's a toss-up finding what location the traffic is centered. You do enough research, you can find the traffic on Eros in your location, and that's why I like the separate domains. CV has moved away from that url structure.

I wouldn't need my traffic, as long as it sent hits to my website. But it would be good to gauge traffic to the site until the numbers are ready. I guess I'm just gun shy. There are sites that are not bringing me any traffic that I once had the opportunity to manipulate, that now I don't. I close my account, it's still visible. I contact the webmaster, and while I may get confirmation that someone got my email, I don't get responses. I'm so glad that TEXscorts thing got shut down.

I'll let you and ALL your clients go first.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-08-2012, 08:49 PM
Nope, I don't notice any of the banners, cause I have them blocked. Makes viewing the boards MUCH easier.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Navigation is so-so. Don't see and decent search options yet. Performance is OK but they don't have much traffic yet. Layout is nice, but just pretty isn't near enough to displace BP or the others. Needs too much scrolling on iPad, probably too much real estate on a monitor too. We shall see. Ladies won't go there if guys don't contact them from there.

Smart to get providers to sign up first, but who knows if they will have a workable marketing plan beyond that. Just my 2cents.
Navigation is so-so. Don't see and decent search options yet. Performance is OK but they don't have much traffic yet. Layout is nice, but just pretty isn't near enough to displace BP or the others. Needs too much scrolling on iPad, probably too much real estate on a monitor too. We shall see. Ladies won't go there if guys don't contact them from there.

Smart to get providers to sign up first, but who knows if they will have a workable marketing plan beyond that. Just my 2cents. Originally Posted by austxjr
As I have mentioned... I have had a very extensive conversation with LeeAnn the owner of Slixa. I generally go in with a list of questions because I know what my advertisers are looking for.

In Reference to the mobile version of the site. I asked her about that when we spoke and they are the beta stages of what is known as RWD

Responsive Webdesign. Only about 3% of the webdesign on the web now is RWD and this is very progressive thinking for a company. So very soon any concerns about mobile applications will be solved. It seems this company intends to be the leader in this industry and revolutionize the hobbyost and provider's experience.

As for a marketing plan I can tell you there has never been a launch with this much clout behind it. Here's how Lee Ann Explained it to me in a follow up email:

Staff Edit: Contents of email removed per rule #9 of the guidelines. CZ.

Here's a little about RWD.... It will probably boar most but it might actually give some you techies

Responsive web design

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An example of a responsive website, The Boston Globe, displayed on multiple devices

Responsive web design (often abbreviated to RWD) is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).[1][2][3]

Elements of responsive web design (RWD)

A site designed with RWD[1][4] uses CSS3 media queries,[3][5][6] an extension of the @media rule,[7] to adapt the layout to the viewing environment—along with fluid proportion-based grids[8] and flexible images:.[9][10][11][12]
  • Media queries allow the page to use different CSS style rules based on characteristics of the device the site is being displayed on, most commonly the width of the browser.
  • The fluid grid concept calls for page element sizing to be in relative units like percentages or EMs, rather than absolute units like pixels or points.[8]
  • Flexible images are also sized in relative units (up to 100%), so as to prevent them from displaying outside their containing element.[9]
Related concepts

Mobile first, unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement

"Mobile First" and "Unobtrusive JavaScript"/"Progressive Enhancement" (strategies for when a new site design is being considered) are related concepts that predated RWD: browsers of basic mobile phones do not understand Javascript or media queries, so the recommended practice is to create a basic web site then enhance it for smart phones and PCs—rather than try "graceful degradation" to make a complex, image-heavy site work on the most basic mobile phones.[13][14][15][16]
Progressive enhancement based on browser-, device-, or feature-detection

Where a web site must support basic mobile devices that lack Javascript, Browser ("user agent") detection (also called "browser sniffing"), and mobile device detection[14][17] are two ways of deducing if certain HTML and CSS features are supported (as a basis for progressive enhancement)—however, these methods are not completely reliable.
For more capable mobile phones and PCs, JavaScript frameworks like Modernizr, jQuery, and jQuery Mobile that can directly test browser support for HTML/CSS features (or identify the device or user agent) are popular. Polyfills can be used to add support for features—e.g. to support media queries (required for RWD), and enhance HTML5 support, on Internet Explorer. Feature detection also might not be completely reliable with older browsers: some may report that a feature is available, when it is either missing or so poorly implemented that it is effectively nonfunctional.[18][19]
Challenges, and other approaches

Luke Wroblewski has summarized some of the RWD and mobile design challenges, and created a catalog of multi-device layout patterns.[20][21][22] He suggests that, compared with a simple RWD approach, Device Experience or RESS (Responsive Web Design with Server Side Components) approaches can provide a user experience that is better optimized for mobile devices.[23][24][25] Server-side "dynamic CSS" implementation of stylesheet languages like Sass can be part of such an approach.
One problem for RWD is that banner advertisements and videos are not fluid.[26] However search advertising and (banner) display advertising support specific device platform targeting and different advertisement size formats for desktop, smartphone, and basic mobile devices. Different landing page URLs can be used for different platforms,[27] or AJAX can be used to display different ad variants on a page.[21][28][17]