Happy 70th Birthday John Lennon

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Although you left us 30 years ago....your music still lives on.

Happy Birthday.

Kinda makes you feel old..doesn't it?
Raphael's Avatar
Well, I never met the guy but Happy Birthday!

I haven't listend to much popular music since I was a teen ager but I was a Beatles fan. Imagine (by Lennon not the Beatles!) was one of my favorite songs. I liked it so much, whenever I had to visit someone (including friends of my parents) I'd give them the recording, with the hope they'd listen to it right away, so I could listen to it again

(It's my intestines that make me feel old but it is unsettling to think that things that seem like they happened just Yesterday, happened thirty, forty, even fifty years ago. Time flies and it flies fast)
Thanks DL for sharing this tidbit of information. I did not grow to appreciate the Beatles music until well after they split up. I now consider them the best musical group of all time!
Imagine that.
  • pyro
  • 10-09-2010, 10:49 PM
just imagine...
if he were alive today,
he'd be kicking and scratching on the roof of his casket...

I love him his music was this shit
I listen to the White Album and Rubber Soul every month. Never gets old. What a waste for that jackass to have shot him like that. Shine on, my Brother!!!
wallstreet's Avatar
AshrDashr's Avatar
Such a great artist.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-11-2010, 08:49 AM
RIP - thanks DL.

I still listen to his (and their) music frequently.
I still remember Howard Cosell announcing his death on MNF and the reaction by Dandy Dan.

Congratulation John Lennon, 30 Years without heroin!

...now about that Yoko thing.