use of colorful emojis on ad titles

sue_nami's Avatar
has anyone else noticed the proliferation of colorful lips and hearts and tongues and other icons on the titles of the ads here on eccie? it is starting to look like backpage with all the emojis now in the titles of the ads. So gentlemen, do u like this? does it catch your eye? the backpage got so cluttered up with them it was over the top. I guess it might be an age thing? who likes this trend and who doesn't? ladies who do not use them, why not? and just curious, ladies who do use old are you?
Sue is in full desperation mode today
But seriously... they beat the hell out of ThreADs.
sue_nami's Avatar
and you rick criticize and troll all my topics yet, you are not adding any new topic posts to get the locals involved and talking. Why not make up some threads that are not attacking others and try to get this section talking and grooving again. why does it all have to be picking on others in here? let's have some interesting conversation and make coed frisky again. I am trying to think of topics that you trolls can not label as a threAD and you STILL give me shit on everything i post. yawn.
Really Sue? You are delusional!
45 replies
59 replies

Post one of your ThreADs that matches.
sue_nami's Avatar
rick both of those are attack threads on mata. show me a thread where u do not attack or belittle others.
sue_nami's Avatar
stop hijacking my posts and make some of your own. it's not all about you and your petty squabbles
It's not all about your desperation either... lol

Your topics get picked on because well... thinking of them in regards to you is fucking gross.
Then eventually you start in with the specials and pm me blah blah blah... you know predictable.

Not to mention you do them in bunches so your nonsense is visible for 2 or 3 times longer.
sue_nami's Avatar
we are talking about the usefulness of emojis on ad titles here. not you bragging about how many views your attack thread has on it.
Yes and I'll state it AGAIN, emojis used in ad titles by younger providers beat the hell out of ThreADs by used up old whores.
winn dixie's Avatar
blah blah blah, sue is desperate for business again!! Sue these so called attack threads were used to rid eccie of a public nuisance; and were entertaining. Your posts are the same old boring crap week after week, year after year. You seem to have very thin skin, I would suggest some geritol and a nap. I would also recommend for you to take up knitting or needle point as your business does not seem to be doing very well.. hint hint------
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Rick, all your threads you have started where you weren't cutting someone down have contained useful info. They were more interesting than the typical Whispers drivel. The more threads you start, the less I will.
Are you Sue's mandle?
sue_nami's Avatar
rick we all know your fake names and how u like your own posts with them. you are fooling no one. any thread I make you say the same old thing. I will continue make up topics to talk about here and I am not going away. you need to find something else to grip about because this is not even a threAD in way shape or form. stop liking your own posts and think of something new to talk besides trolling me. you continually hijack my posts and yet offer nothing up instead of any substance. I am here, I am staying here, i am posting and i am going to continue to post. this site needs more women participating and guys like u and your fake troll handles are why the girls never post here.
Sorry to tell you Sue... I only have 7 points and have no reason to have fake handles, in just a few weeks it'll be 0.

And guess what? I'm not going anywhere either.
So start your ThreADs, I'll tell you how fucking lame they are... and life goes on as usual.
Well except those potential clients that smell the desperation coming off you, and jump back on the fence.
sue_nami's Avatar
no rick the rest us do not need fake handles to like our threads and comment to support your own posts. I have no mandles and Mr P is not me. just because u do that shit does not mean the rest of us have a bunch of fake handles too. why not call in another one of yours now to argue with me, just like u always do. yawn. You're so dang predictable and boring in your mediocrity and self aggrandizing.