The Culture of Sex in different parts of the world

true_whatever's Avatar
Got the idea for this from a different thread:

In my time in Eastern Europe, it was considered unnatural to talk during sex. A number of the ladies I had met there said the man is more masculine when he says nothing...including moans, grunts, etc. The woman can moan because he is taking's part of their surrender, I think. Originally Posted by timothe
We have people on this board from all over the world, or at least have traveled all over. What are the different styles or "norms" of sex in various parts of the world that you've found interesting?
I think there is a massive difference in clients from the States and London....

States- Guys seem to want more GFE style.
London- Guys want PSE all the way, kinky, raunchy,messy, and a lot of A-level...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive only had one that was not from the states (Britain) and it was like Val said, more kink.
I think there is a massive difference in clients from the States and London....

States- Guys seem to want more GFE style.
London- Guys want PSE all the way, kinky, raunchy,messy, and a lot of A-level... Originally Posted by Valerie
So, Val, panting guys all over this Board want to know: do you prefer one over the other?
So, Val, panting guys all over this Board want to know: do you prefer one over the other? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Hmmm...Good question, I prefer them in different ways. Ideally I would like it to me a combination of the two, but it seems to be only one or the other.

Sexually & mostly physically, I prefer guys in London, it's just more of the style I like, however, I build more friendships with guys in the states and tend to be closer to them, they are more down to earth and fun! Neither is better than the other, just different...
Hmmm...Good question ..... Neither is better than the other, just different... Originally Posted by Valerie
Spoken like a true politician/service provider!!

Good thing we are all different...Otherwise, me and Chuckie Boy would be normal!!!