name changing

I just wanted to get others in put in this, not that I want to change my name but what do everyone think about providers that change there name all the time????

Sometimes I realize there might be a point in doing it but what about 4-5 times. Is it something usually or no.

I want to keep my name for obvious reasons but I feel like maybe its kinds sneaky and almost tricking people.

What do you all think ?????
cckid2006's Avatar
I think you have done a awesome job with your exercise routine Your news pics are amazing.

I really don't what a girl calls herself. We have tools to out girls trying to duck bad reviews or alerts.
fun2come's Avatar
A name change here is about as effective as sucking air out of a vacuum.

Only fools will be fooled.
Thanks cckid2006 I am appreciative of your comments.

I agree not very good but Its weird cause its so easy for guys to come back with a different handle and yall dont have pics. I think guys should start putting pics up lol and have a showcase lol
fun2come's Avatar
Sure, no problem:

Showcase you asked:
I don't have super-secret boy access to these parts, but from what I've gathered you've built up a great reputation. I wouldn't think you'd have to change your name (like some girls do when things go sour), but if you want to revamp your image, I'd say go for it. Changing your name and not changing your image (new pics and website content, for example) seems like it'd just confuse everyone. But if you have the itch, scratch that bitch! (But scratch it effectively.) It's one of the perks of working for yourself, really.

Truth be told, I should have changed my name when I was 6-months into everything, but I didn't. Now I'm stuck with a weirdo handle I came-up with when I was tipsy and 21 -- I wasn't paying much attention when I signed up for my account back in ASPD days. Now I'm 29 and stuck with it in Austin.

Just keep your old email/phone up so that if former clients try to contact you you're there (b/c I don't see why you'd hide from your current image). I change my name whenever I move cities just to keep my trail more difficult to uncover and I do love the freedom that a new identity entails. Just give a lot of thought into your new name/image and even toss around ideas with someone else to get a bit of feedback. Then you won't get the itch again 9 months down the line =) (One of my favorite pastimes is to go over terrible escort names/handles with a good friend of mine.)
I agree, I dont want to change my handle or anything I have had my disappointments but I am definantly woman enough to accept the shit I have done and basically man up to it, But I do know a girl that was thinking of changing her name and I told her not to, because it makes you look desprate or like your hiding something, she agreed so I am glad shes not, to me its like tricking people, they cum to see a newbie and they get there and its a girl they never wanted to see in first place or they have been there before. Thank you for your words, lol we do alot of stuff when were younger and drunk lol mine are tattoos when drunk lol not good idea. Thanks
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 07-26-2013, 07:36 PM
Yep, Nightmaresally has recently changed her name. She had some bad reviews due to constant NCNS so she basically went silent for a few mos., only to resurface with a name change. Some will be fooled, those who know will not. After driving 30 min. one way to her incall and waiting over 30 min. until I finally gave up and left made it where I will never see her again unless she comes clean and makes up the session for free. I figure she wasted 1.5 hours of my time. The last time I mentioned this she just replied with <sheesh>
F2C, those are some nice pics of you on that site.
fun2come's Avatar
Yeah, my former handle used to be fun2Bfat
after I lost about 200 pounds I though I better change it
GneissGuy's Avatar
If you decide you want to change your name, but not be accused of a coverup, change your name and put your former name in your signature line.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Guys change their names/handles too. Methinks hotbutteredwhiskerbiscuit is an old hobbyist under a new name. Is anyone fooled? Methinks NO. If you provided bad service, or were an asshole before, you will likely bring those qualities to your new identity and quickly be discovered.
so true
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-30-2013, 03:55 PM
I've been Loxly on several sites for over 12 years but had to change it for another site. But I always tell the ladies both my names so that the references they contact can verify me. I was actually surprised that the handle was available in ECCIE. I do change my avitar every once in awhile.

Now if I could only be that lucky with the ladies.....
HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit's Avatar
LOL good one Sherlockgetaway! I go away a few days and come back to your pointed disrespect once again. I really enjoyed your post, the image it provoked in my mind was a blast from the past.
Remember Beaky Buzzard? I read your quick witted , superlative deduction and this image popped into my head immediately.

I always feel bad when I go to the track and there's one horse stuck in the gate. The starting pistol sounds, the gates fly open, all the horses are bolting down the track, bar one. It's stuck in the gate wondering why it's unable to keep up with the rest of the pack.

Wow that's kinda depressing! Good thing I'll have that Bumble Bee song bouncing around in my head, cheering me up the rest of the night .

Thanks Killer for the flashback.

P.S. these guys have the cure for Whiskey Dick, they are reliable and honest!
Never say this Old Hobbyist Asshole hasn't done anything for you