Female Professional Doctors...

mexicali9's Avatar
Here is my thing, I have this amazing looking family doctor and I want to just lock the door and do things to her that are illegal in some countries, lol they aren't bad things but they are some damn sexy things that we do now. Anyways, how can I try and fuck her, there are times when I think she wants me or touches me in certain ways and the way she talks to me which is professional, I might take the wrong way but damn, I want her so bad. If I can't have her then are there any real professional doctors here in Houston who like to give a little extra to their patients. I'm on a doctor scavenger hunt for my needs and to check this one off my to due list of life.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-01-2011, 08:08 AM
Dude, are you crazy? You touch that lady in any inappropriate way and your ass is gonna be in the slammer.
mexicali9's Avatar
Lmafo, I know and I'm not going to make the first move. I don't mind saying a few words that kinda hints let's do this but in an appropriate way, if that's possible.
Wonder if you can file the cost with insurance.
Allen Woody's Avatar
Better just arrange the fantasy with a good provider
Jack Flash's Avatar
I don't see anything wrong with some off hand comments. Next time she asks you to strip, ask her if she will too. If she put her hand on your chest, ask if you can do the same.. shit like that. I flirt with my doctor all the time. She isn't cute but it makes it fun. I broke my foot about 6 years ago and had to goto a specialist. She was smoking hot and my same age. I flirted like crazy with her. The had to knock me out to do the surgery and when I came too I asked her if she took advantage of me while I was under. She laughed and said "oh yeah". I then asked "did i enjoy it, cause I don't remember". We laughed about that shit every followup visit.

I say go for it. She isn't gonna call the cops cause a patient thinks she is hot.
blowpop's Avatar
I agree with Jack. Flirt with her. Be subtle, and see how she follows along.

One thing to remember is that getting involved with a client is a big no-no for many health professionals, so don't get your hopes set too high, even if she is attracted to you.
Jack Flash's Avatar
You could always be straight up.

"Doc, I think your sexy and I want to take you out on a date"

"MC9 you know I can't date patients."

"Doc your fired and I'll pick you up at 8p"
This falls into the "don't shit where you eat" group of bad decisions.
AshrDashr's Avatar
Flirting - go for it. If it goes beyond that, find a different doctor.
Do not touch her! I really wouldn't even joke with her.

I have a beautiful doctor, and it happens only once a year during the physical, but when she says drop em, I concentrate on her eyes, cause when she turns around and sees that fuckin hog and the brahma balls, the look on her face is priceless. And that is enough for me. They are human after all.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Aw just pull your dick out and grab her ass. Then we can all watch you on the 5 o'clock news.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Have her do your prostrate exam and just day dream while she is doing it.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Aw just pull your dick out and grab her ass. Then we can all watch you on the 5 o'clock news. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I don't think pulling your dick out in front of your doctor will land you on the news. Now if your doctor pulls his dick out in front of you, thats news worthy.
racecardriver's Avatar
She stands to lose her license if she becomes intimate with one of her patients.