
DallasRain's Avatar
sorry but I "oopsed"
n1pplenut's Avatar
Is that anything like when she says, "Wrong hole!"?
I was wondering about that too.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
sorry but I "oopsed" Originally Posted by DallasRain
Did you start a topic and rethink it???
Wrong hole= right hole!
cumalot's Avatar
Inquiring Kinky minds want to know....
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---I started to post something,but had a brain fart

I have been out in the middle of the woods in central missouri camping for 3 days with NO tv and BARELY any internet! I was totally relaxing and vegging out "brainwise" and "physically".........and I even had to "pee" in the woods a few times..lol

Hoping it was a pussy fart DR!
Just'AintNuttin's Avatar
lol---I started to post something,but had a brain fart

I have been out in the middle of the woods in central missouri camping for 3 days with NO tv and BARELY any internet! I was totally relaxing and vegging out "brainwise" and "physically".........and I even had to "pee" in the woods a few times..lol

Originally Posted by DallasRain
the thought of you in my neck of the woods for three days....I should have gottenout my spidey senses and tracked your ass down...YUMMY.....Three days...FUCK...

sorry but my mind wanders....viciously
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---pussy fart is cuter!

AintEasy--I am coming back to KC in a couple weeks!
DallasRain's Avatar
and the best part was that when I checked into my cabin....this was a poster above my bunkbed {they knew I was coming....lol}

Thanks babe I have the picture now. I couldn't read in on the phone. That picture will make a great avatar.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
LOL Same here tucson.........My phone didnt pick it up good...........And soft hands large nipples are cuming your way soon.....Can you handle it?? LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
I think they knew I was coming.....lol
Hell Dee you need to let us know when you are going someplace. I would never know by looking at your posts. My computer lost the red in the video board. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm OOPS my m button is stuck.
88s Dave