
Not Russia but close enough...

1st stop should be Guns N Roses pub in Hotel Kazakhstan. Belly up to the bar and talk to some of the "local" expats there that know the market. The girls will try and fleece as much as they can. If you buy a beer or 2 the expats there will tell you which ones to chase and which ones to stay away from. Very nice looking girls in this bar and a good live band on WEd & Fridays.

2nd Stop- Soho. Same story as Guns N Roses really....

3rd stop- www.almatycallgirls.com 1 stop shop.... Most are accurate... We hired some to be bartenders/dealers at Poker games and parties.

4th Stop- Esperanza- late night dance club- Loaded with women- typically a younger crowd, but plenty to choose from.

If you are staying in the Hyatt expect to pay nearly triple the going rate for a lady. Yes they are damn sexy- but damn expensive in there also. They have to pay security $100 to get in- so they have to recover that on top of their normally high rates. Go to one of the above mentioned bars and get more bang for your buck...literally.

If you are in Astana go to www.astanacallgirls.com