boomvang's Avatar
I might question some of the parenting skills of those that raised all of us (except my mother of course), IF YOU HAVE A MOM CALL HER. YOU'RE GOING TO MISS THEM WHEN THEY'RE GONE.
+100 Boomvang, mine passed many years ago and would give anything to have her back
boomvang's Avatar
+100 Boomvang, mine passed many years ago and would give anything to have her back Originally Posted by guinnessstout
Sucks doesn't it. Who do you call when you can't spell something close enough to find it in the dictionary and spell check can't find it either? And I lost the damn recipe for homemade peach ice cream.
DallasRain's Avatar
Sucks doesn't it. Who do you call when you can't spell something close enough to find it in the dictionary and spell check can't find it either? And I lost the damn recipe for homemade peach ice cream. Originally Posted by boomvang
my kids do that to me!

I agree with your post---life is short....we need to live each day keeping our loved ones close!
boomvang's Avatar
My mom passed away when I was 53, She covered my lack of spelling ability up until probably the last 6 months of her life. If you'll send me your number DR I'll join your kids and call you when I hit one of those spots I killed in my brain during adolescence .
DallasRain's Avatar
anytime Boom! I am so sorry your mom is gone,but she will always be with you in your heart!

{mine is 81.....she is my greatest treasure in life}
boomvang's Avatar
You Know DR. There is very little comfort in this, but losing your mom in unavoidable. Mine was 84 and was just flat worn out. I hope your's lives to be 110, Someday though you're going to have to deal with losing her. AND someday your kids are going to lose their mom too. The only other option would be to lose a child first. I can't begin to imagine the grief and suffering that would involve. Anyway, I posted this because I miss my mom. My god could that woman spell and she made the best homemade peach ice cream in the history of humanity. I'm not trying to be a pooper at everyone's party and I am not fishing for sympathy. I'm only wanted to say that if you're lucky enough to still have a mom, call her and tell her you love her. Even if you're mad at her. Call a truce every now and then and buck up and tell the people you love that you love them.


Thanks for the offer for spelling help DR. If you phone rings late at night and it's me. I'm probably trying to post or send an email with definitly or resturant in it. Now spell check can find those words, and it has too EVERY time I write them. I didn't get the spelling gene. Maybe because I was adopted, I don't know, And I hope like hell your kids made you feel special today. If not feel free to call me and put me on speaker so I can lecture them all at once.
DallasRain's Avatar
I like you Boom baby---you seem like one helluva caring man! {I would be proud to have you as a board friend}

btw--I luv homemade ice cream! My mommy and I used to go to ice cream socials at church and we would take homemmade strawberry ice cream!
boomvang's Avatar
Thanks DR. I have a new found affection for you too. I guess a board friend is better than a bored friend. I would never say anything negative about anyone's mom and fresh Strawberry is pretty damn good. But if you've never let Parker County peaches sit on the counter until they are just a little too ripe, then used the missing recipe, an honest to god hand cranked ice cream maker with a wooden bucket and made ice cream. I'm sorry but your life isn't complete. Just an opinion

Bring the kids and come jump in the pool this summer and I'll make an attempt at peach ice cream. (that would be off the clock I hope)
DallasRain's Avatar
in memory of your mom

boomvang's Avatar
Thank you DR. There should be no doubt in anybody's mind, You're a much nicer person than I am. The only thing is I'm not sure anyone besides us is reading this thread.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---its cool is meant to be what it is
jbravo_123's Avatar
Sucks doesn't it. Who do you call when you can't spell something close enough to find it in the dictionary and spell check can't find it either? And I lost the damn recipe for homemade peach ice cream. Originally Posted by boomvang
Heh my mom calls ME all the time for spelling / pronounciation help. To be fair, English isn't her first language, so I guess that's ok
pyramider's Avatar
Mom's tend to be irreplaceable.