Question about SW

  • tks
  • 09-14-2015, 02:27 PM
I have been thinking about trying a street walker for something new. I have been in the hobby for a couple of years now and thought I might try it. I am close to Ft Worth and advice, areas to check etc?
Blacksheep07's Avatar
Best bets?
Here's where I've seen them:

Riverside/beach from 121 to berry.
Las Vegas trail/camp Bowie area, with most of it around the calmont/lvt corner. Lots of low rent apts there.

Lancaster around shelters.

Honorable mentions:
Hemphill area near jps and south from there in the evenings sometimes bear fruit.
Camp Bowie nearer the como area can be really hit or miss but it's sometimes there, I just haven't figured out any rhyme or reason to it.

As a few of the guys here have said, sometimes your best bet if things are slow on the streets, stop in at the corner store and grab a drink just to scope out.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-14-2015, 10:20 PM
SW's can pop up everywhere and anywhere, You must have sw radar like a lot of us have in here.
don't be a pussy and I mean that in the nicest way... otherwise you'll psych yourself out or the ho will take advantage of you... get you some balls and enjoy the ride...
Chung Tran's Avatar
don't be a pussy and I mean that in the nicest way... otherwise you'll psych yourself out or the ho will take advantage of you... get you some balls and enjoy the ride... Originally Posted by randomtxguy
my SW adventures have been relatively few, but this point can't be over-stressed.. do not present yourself as new, you must have balls and a certain edge.. any weakness in your demeanor will be seized to take advantage of by the SW... they are the most cash-centered segment of the Hooker market, they will take it as easily as you will give it to them, whether it's by theft or lack of service.. only the strongest guys get the service they truly seek.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-15-2015, 09:19 AM
my SW adventures have been relatively few, but this point can't be over-stressed.. do not present yourself as new, you must have balls and a certain edge.. any weakness in your demeanor will be seized to take advantage of by the SW... they are the most cash-centered segment of the Hooker market, they will take it as easily as you will give it to them, whether it's by theft or lack of service.. only the strongest guys get the service they truly seek. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And I must add, some will try to steal anything that's not bolted down, you must do the sw clean up before you pick one up, no personal items or anything of value is to be left out.
And I must add, some will try to steal anything that's not bolted down, you must do the sw clean up before you pick one up, no personal items or anything of value is to be left out. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Good catch BLM.. I was going to say the same thing. That includes anything in your pockets. You'll be amazed how many are skilled enough to give you that BBJ while rummaging through your pockets that are pulled down to your ankles. Carry only what you want to spend and put everything else in the glovebox and lock it!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-15-2015, 12:22 PM
I learned this in my early years, picked up a sw, I rented a room, during me taking her top off my cell popped out her bra, she ended up with one less 20 at the end and the walk back to the track must of been hot.
I learned this in my early years, picked up a sw, I rented a room, during me taking her top off my cell popped out her bra, she ended up with one less 20 at the end and the walk back to the track must of been hot. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
I my early years I lost:
1. A Movado watch - My first outcall to my house. Left the bitch in my bedroom.. watch came up missing.. Goodbye $895

2. Credit Cards n Wallet - How she was able to open my side console without me knowing is beyond me

3. 2 Cell phones and a pair of shades... Man I really loved those shades
ahh the SW theft tales... those whores are pros at many things for sure... the experts are giving you sage advice here... I once had a water bill in the console and I made the bitch stop so I could get that way the hell out of reach... leave nothing within her reach, lock and bolt that shit down... distract them with some shiny new pennies on the passenger floor mat...
cheatercheater's Avatar
You can show her you have the money but don't hand it over until she swallows.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-16-2015, 01:35 PM
Another thing about sw's they love change, That will get them a cold soda pop to rinse off the left over cream in their mouth.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Another thing about sw's they love change, That will get them a cold soda pop to rinse off the left over cream in their mouth. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
"here Bitch, take these quarters and buy yourself a Dr. Pepper after I unload a Cream Soda in your mouth"..
JuanBear4U's Avatar
What advice do you guys have if I don't have a sw worthy vehicle. I don't care to have a sw in my every day car. I cant afford accidents on the leather seats.