fuck backpage

bartel's Avatar
any other sites similar to backpage:ran ting:
mrredcat43's Avatar
Try Cityvibe
mrredcat43's Avatar
Try cityvibe
Backpage is for individuals that are able to turn around in one second and don't dread about it, if you always in control you can make decision that are good for you, went you surrender that ability you are toast . Why looking for the hard way Bro went you already in Eccie paradise?
wizzzzzbang's Avatar
Great post in the men's lounge about good and bad experiences on BP. Over time, I've learned a lot of lessons about how to filter and weed out the bad and end up with great experiences on BP, some of which I've posted about. Yes, I've ranted about being ripped off and having terrible experiences, but I've also learned that all the bad had very similar traits and the good experiences have had very similar traits. It's become my go to source because I hobby on a budget and I don't give a shit about walking away from a bad experience. My best hobby experiences have come from girls on Eccie but I've had some experiences on BP that were very, very good. At the end of the day, it's still all about the release. Oh, and I've had bad experiences on Eccie too.
Shit does it really matter you can get ripped off period in any industry and business.. ESPECIALLY this activity we participate in... Even using verified providers on ECCIE... chalk it up to the game..