Best places to stay and play?

nastashastacks's Avatar
So I was thinking of planning my first NY visit and was wanting to start in Albany and/or surrounding areas.

I was interested in knowing what area of Albany or what other cities might be looking for new company to visit? Any must see sites or restaurants that may complete my trip, for my down time?

Any places to avoid altogether?

Any info is kindly appreciated!

I'm fond of the locations close to Everett Rd or Suny.

When are you thinking about comming? ( I want to make sure I'm around)
nastashastacks's Avatar
Thinking either Dec 29th - 2nd OR Feb 3rd-7th. I will be deciding soon then will be doing my ad!

Thank you for the information also!
Please keep us posted. I would definitely make time to see you
nastashastacks's Avatar
Thank you I will definitely be in touch once I figure out my dates! I look forward to meeting.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I generally stick around the SUNY area but recently split my last stay with Downtown as well and that was nice (will probably do that again in the future).
Have a good trip!
nastashastacks's Avatar
Thank you Mocha, I have seen your name a bit on this side and thought of messaging you! Glad to hear your input thank you!