So how does one get into the porn industry?

I've been dumbfounded, curious, and lost about this for a while...

And if you have to.send in a video, anyone want to make one with me? ;-)
Lhornbk's Avatar
I've been dumbfounded, curious, and lost about this for a while...

And if you have to.send in a video, anyone want to make one with me? ;-) Originally Posted by Belladonna Whispers
I think the more pertinent question would be, is there anyone who, if offered the chance, would turn down a chance to make a video with you? (Unfortunately, I am one of the few who would have to turn you down. It would just be too dangerous for me, plus I don't think my dick quite measures up to most male porn stars, as I am pretty much average, and most of them are not. Although, I guess I would be a good candidate to be used in a fetish video as a submissive male, lol.)

Besides, a little birdy told me that you and a couple of other women made some videos once. And lesbian porn is VERY popular. Maybe you should apply to Girlfriends Films, or Sweethearts.
jframe2's Avatar
Here are some thoughts to your question-
- only two states have laws allowing the legal making of pornography; Iowa (not kidding) and California;
- are you wanting to make personal porn videos? If so, then get a camera or a friend with a camera and make/edit your video then post/host/sell the video on a pay site. You pay a fee to the host site on each sale.
- make sure you have thought of, and are prepared for, all the consequences of putting face out there in the public (or semi-public) world.
- I have helped create/setup accounts and videos for ladies that wanted to pursue the Pay-Per-Video model and it is hot hard.

Just thoughts over coffee....... good luck.
  • DMike
  • 06-06-2014, 06:52 PM
theres alot of porn done in florida ..i have seen videos of porn girls say the best way to get into porn is trough a porn agency
The standard starting point for a female, once you've made the decision, is to go visit World Modeling talent agency and talk with Jim South, the proprietor.