I Can't Breathe ...

  • BDD
  • 12-08-2014, 06:21 PM
Just saw a bunch of idiots on TV...who obviously could breathe...because they were busy chanting "I Can't Breathe" over and over again on TV in NYC...

My response when standing face-to-face with Mister Policeman or Miss Policewoman is a whole lot of polite "Yes Sir", "No Sir", "Yes Ma'am", "No Ma'am" responses. This has always worked out in my favor...

Dumb fucks who intentionally escalate things with cops tend to get slammed to the ground rather harshly based on what I have witnessed on TV and in the RW...
pyramider's Avatar
The shallow end of the gene pool needs a thorough cleaning.
If they think they can't breathe now wait until they should get a Dutch Oven from me.
The shallow end of the gene pool needs a thorough cleaning. Originally Posted by pyramider
That includes mexicans swimming in the river to enter the country illegally. Guess you know how to swim since you didnt drown.
WoodieTx's Avatar
Sometimes the brutality is real...this was a long time ago but it's part of local history and where some of this anger towards police got rooted. Posted lest we forget...

...Two events marking the 37th anniversary of the police murder of José Campos Torres were held in Houston last week. Torres was murdered by six Houston cops on May 5, 1977. They beat him brutally. They handcuffed him and threw him into Buffalo Bayou in downtown Houston. One of the murdering cops said, "Let's see if the wetback can swim." Joe Torres drowned in the bayou....


For what it's worth that was an era in Houston where the police were out of control . . . and the city did address the situation and make changes.
Heard a report this morning on ESPN (didn't see this for myself) that LeBron and other Cavs players were wearing I Can't Breathe t-shirts during warm ups prior to last night's game. Whatever....

Tied into that story, (I'm sure everyone's already heard about this) the five St Louis Rams players who came out of the tunnel last week during introductions with their hands up (in a "surrender / giving up" gesture). Whoopty-doo....

To preface this; two things: I'm neither black....nor am I a professional athlete. I am simply a sports fan. So perhaps I'm not qualified to comment on such antics. But I do want to say this....I just do not understand what the results were supposed to be from either of these public displays (other than what...? Have people in the media or fans like me take notice and comment on these players' stances on such sensitive issues?) Personally, I don't care one way or another (since I am a fan of neither of those sports franchises). However, that said.....

Had it been such popular players such as Dirk or Tony or Dez doing the the same things prior to a game in Dallas, I must admit, I would have some concerns. My concern.....as a fan....is you, a professional athlete, who is being paid by that team, is currently putting a focus on something other than what I'm there for (and paid a lotta hard-earned money for that ticket to attend that event, oh, by the way).

And that's to see you play to the best of your ability for your team and your teammates (and your loyal fans), without any outside distractions whatsoever. And you, by virtue of this need to bring focus and attention to your cause have decided to orchestrate your own personal public protest....and, in my opinion, gone out of your way to "create an unnecessary distraction" for the entire team not to mention your fan base who is there to cheer you on to victory.

It all seems somewhat selfish to me....in my opinion, after all, there's a time and a place for ALL things. What these players did was put themselves (and their message) ahead of what their main focus should have been at that time. I may be all wet on this take, however, that's how I feel at this particular moment.

(By the way, I didn't mean to hijack this thread.....I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents about that. Thanks.)

QUOTE=BDD;1056118433]Just saw a bunch of idiots on TV...who obviously could breathe...because they were busy chanting "I Can't Breathe" over and over again on TV in NYC...

My response when standing face-to-face with Mister Policeman or Miss Policewoman is a whole lot of polite "Yes Sir", "No Sir", "Yes Ma'am", "No Ma'am" responses. This has always worked out in my favor...

Dumb fucks who intentionally escalate things with cops tend to get slammed to the ground rather harshly based on what I have witnessed on TV and in the RW...[/QUOTE]
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Duffus she wasn't killed by a cop.
If you want to start talking about whites killing blacks we can go there.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Duffus she wasn't killed by a cop.
If you want to start talking about whites killing blacks we can go there. Originally Posted by ilikefun
Please, genius, where in the subject line is there any mention of cops?

It's about dyspnea. What you get when you are - for every practical purpose - necklaced. Tire or no tire, the result was the same.
The OP is clearly talking about the guy that could not breathe when being choked by a cop. Act ignorant if you like.
Your post from that junk site is about domestic violence. Again, not sure how that relates to cops shoots and and killing people.
  • BDD
  • 12-10-2014, 07:49 AM
.... not sure how that relates to cops shoots and and killing people. Originally Posted by ilikefun
"I Can't Breathe" was spoken over and over again by Eric Garner as he was being arrested in NYC. He was not shot and killed by cops. He died because he was an obese asthmatic that put himself in a stressful situation. If you can talk above a whisper you can breathe.

Had he simply moved to deescalate the situation early by speaking softly and cooperating with the NYC cops he would be alive today. There is also a pretty good chance that he would not have even been arrested.

Eric Garner should receive a Darwin Award for his actions that fateful day.
Even with all of what you just said, Lukbuk's post was not on point with your topic.
  • BDD
  • 12-10-2014, 09:10 AM
Even with all of what you just said, Lukbuk's post was not on point with your topic. Originally Posted by ilikefun
I agree.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
So the topic is The Attainment of Victimhood Status by Black Criminals, with respiration allegedly involved somehow. Methods for nitwits to self identify include hands-up, Che T-shirts (in a former era), and chanting "I can't breathe". Don't forget: chanting makes it important.

Got it.

Carry on.