Not playing about playing with Corvid-19

Nicole Cox's Avatar
With everything going on I've made the decision that it is in the best interest for myself and my household not to take any unnecessary risks with my health. As I have too much to lose and not enough to gain by getting sick or spreading this to my loved ones.

Furthermore I feel a sense of responsibility to do my part to protect the elderly and those with weakened immune systems by not contributing to the spreading of the corvid-19. I have visitors/friends with young children at home and it would not sit right with my heart if I felt there was a chance that I could be responsible for them getting sick.

Everyone must do what is best for them and their household and this is what's best for mine.

I have financial obligations just like everyone else. I have a home and I have an apartment that I pay on monthly. I appreciate the gentlemen that have reached out to me wanting to help and contribute to making sure my house is maintained during this time. Your thoughtfulness is amazing and appreciated more than I can express in words. Incentitives are offered on future arrangements set up during this downtime.

Be safe and be well lovers!
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
statistics from the CDC--
-in 2019, 39 MILLION americans got the regular flu, 250,00 had to be hospitalized, 14,000 DIED---not a word in the media about this-
--BUT as of today, march 18, 100 deaths in USA from corona, and entire country is shut down--
--crisis is CAUSED by scare fed by the media
US population is 365 million, as of today, (just On News) 3,600 cases --100 deaths---those who died were in bad health any way, mostly elderly---so 3,500 RECOVERD-----does not anyone out there have any COMMON SENSE? entire country in falsely induced panic
ManSlut's Avatar
A very wise decision Nicole.
You got my respect, Nicole. Well said and very wise decision.

Be safe, good luck and see you when this shit calm down.
Will you greet your clients with your MAGA cap on?
Intended for Sherry
Sherry of dfw, PLEASE stop posting statistics that are not and never will be reliable. Testing is still NOT available in the USA on a large scale basis. We don't know what we don't know and our government wants low numbers!!!

Edit to add...thank you Nicole Cox for a very good post on how things are these days. Wish you well
ManSlut's Avatar
I love Sherry’s logic that it’s okay 100 already compromised people have passed and that 3500 out of 3600 have recovered which means at present no one has the Fake Flu in this country....Rotflmao
Ppl, this is not post abt crazy number lady. It is about Nicole Cox doing honorable thing and highly respected. It is rare in this hobby.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
statistics from the CDC--
-in 2019, 39 MILLION americans got the regular flu, 250,00 had to be hospitalized, 14,000 DIED---not a word in the media about this-
--BUT as of today, march 18, 100 deaths in USA from corona, and entire country is shut down--
--crisis is CAUSED by scare fed by the media
US population is 365 million, as of today, (just On News) 3,600 cases --100 deaths---those who died were in bad health any way, mostly elderly---so 3,500 RECOVERD-----does not anyone out there have any COMMON SENSE? entire country in falsely induced panic
-"MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING"!!! Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
Save your little speech about how everyone is overreacting. I'm not a client and I'm not buying what you're selling.

"Common sense" would dictate to do your part and not spread a communicable disease.
Some type of "moral compass" would dictate you put the health of the general public or atleast your clients, before a quick buck.

Ill listen to listen to the News, World health organization, the CDC, the state health department and listen to my own common sense when I see stores closing and my kids out of school for 3 weeks, long before I take the advice of a provider that works everyday and yet cant afford to take a week or two off to ensure the well being of her clients.

The numbers you posted cant be accurate. With only 350 test kits recvd in Oklahoma. And the que for being tested in DFW is a wait that is DAYS long. Theres NO WAY to know how many have it. Asfar as only the ones dying are in "bad health anyway".
People in "bad health", the elderly or people with weakened immune systems are NOT expendable and dont deserve to die. Protecting these people and our elderly is the responsibility
of our community. Protecting your clients health is the responsibility of a provider.

There is no way, without a doubt, you can assure that any client you see doesn't have it. And since you think it's no big deal, when would you find it appropriate to stop seeing clients? When "you" feel bad? But, not appropriate to stop to keep from spreading it?

You, like so many others are just hoping and praying you get in,as many clients as you can, before you come down with it.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Ppl, this is not post abt crazy number lady. It is about Nicole Cox doing honorable thing and highly respected. It is rare in this hobby. Originally Posted by georgecam
Thank you. It's not easy for to decide to the time off. I'm no different than everyone else. I have bills and I have kids and people relying on me. It's the right thing to do.

You all be safe and make good decisions. Hope to see you soon!
mtnman881's Avatar
statistics from the CDC--
-in 2019, 39 MILLION americans got the regular flu, 250,00 had to be hospitalized, 14,000 DIED---not a word in the media about this-
--BUT as of today, march 18, 100 deaths in USA from corona, and entire country is shut down--
--crisis is CAUSED by scare fed by the media
US population is 365 million, as of today, (just On News) 3,600 cases --100 deaths---those who died were in bad health any way, mostly elderly---so 3,500 RECOVERD-----does not anyone out there have any COMMON SENSE? entire country in falsely induced panic
-"MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING"!!! Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW

And they had a vaccine available for that one, Right?
Everyone has to do what is right for them. Here is an interesting take on the Corona Virus:
Starting with Fox news.