Strip Clubs?

BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Im in town for the night and was looking for a decent strip club -- Im staying in the Galleria area -- Used to go to Treasures all the time but last time I went I had 3 girls tell me 500 bucks to go upstairs and gat a HJ --- I aint lookin for that -- Just wanna go look at some titties and get a couple of dances lol

So -- wheres a good place
Boom, Treasure's has been gut-shot and is starting to get ripe - it's worse that it's ever been. Try Centerfold's or Michael's, but I think it'll be slow as it's Sunday night.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
thanks man -- Will do
DarthMaul's Avatar
You probably would have been better served posting this in the "Strip Club Forum"? Oh well...