Do we NEED another CAITIE MAE thread?! Obviously, we do.

Caitie Mae's Avatar
Those of you who know me may have noticed that I'm not around much any more and know that I haven't been around much for going on 3 years now. I'm sure you can imagine that a lot goes on around here that I never even see or hear about. Sometimes even big issues get by me; one almost got past me just this month.

Thanks to the persistence, although misguided, of one, singular hobbyist, it has come to my attention that several of the members here--male and female--have recently expressed concern for my well-being. I presume that the cause for such concern is the result of my extended absence from the boards or the absence of hobby availability in my schedule. Perhaps both of those reasons contribute to this outpouring of concern. Who knows? I certainly don't.

What I do know, though, is the answer to the only question that has any value to any discussion of my "condition." Only one person--ONE!--has managed to man-up and ask me the question directly. I've wondered who will ask next, but I can't stand the suspense any longer. I can only imagine, considering the extreme gravity of the issue at hand, that I am not the only one who feels this tension. And if you didn't want to know, you wouldn't be talking to one another about it, asking each other questions only one person on this entire board is qualified to answer. So, if you're not asking me, you're talking to the wrong person.

I though about not addressing this issue at all. After all, what is is and nothing I post will change what is, unfortunately. I thought about just getting up here and telling you all the truth of the matter complete with every intimate detail you could hope for so that you can better understand my "condition." I've decided against that, however, because it won't change the fact that what is still is, and one thing I've learned in the hobby is that bad press is still press. (that's C-a-I-t-i-e, btw.)

For those of you who may not be aware of what is, I'll try to bring you up to speed although I only have the vantage point of a spectator and not a participant.

ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines: Rule #16:
Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Despite this rule, some member of this board claims to have proof that I have a medical condition that threatens the health and safety of this community and word of my alleged condition and the (as yet, undisclosed) material and conclusive proof of that condition have been hinting and whispering their way across the boards and backchannels. So far no one has felt the need to post accusatory movie posters, but I'm sure many learned their lessons for such behavior at the expense of others. Likewise, no one has come forward with the evidence they claim against my reputation, either. Lack of evidence will surely not support the case against me. Luckily for everyone concerned, I have a fresh copy of the only proof needed in this instance to settle the mystery.

All I have to do is turn over this item and it will be settled. But why would I do that? True or false I should at least know my accuser. That's my selfish reason for not disclosing the truth of these allegations. My civic-minded reason for not giving up the evidence is that if I were on the other side of this and I believed what people are saying now about someone else, there is no way I would trust a pre-existing and extremely recently acquired piece of evidence the accused just happened to have at the time she became suspect. I would need, for my satisfaction, new evidence.

Where does that leave us now? Clearly, the burden of the issue should be upon those who gave it life. Those who claim to have proof need to come with it. Those who have no proof have no dog in this hunt and ought to shut the fuck up and get back to chasing hookers or taking money from tricks.

When someone comes to me with proof against me for these allegations I will respond in kind. Anyone who wished to just cut to the chase and submit creditable, accurate, fresh proof of my "condition" is invited to provide the funding for it. (among others) charge from $49/test to $229 for a Comprehensive STD Panel. Of course, although the testing itself will only take about 15 minutes, I would expect to spend upwards of an hour altogether once you figure in getting to and from the clinic twice. Even for my time, trouble, disclosure, the invasion of my privacy and all this childish drama, I will expect no compensation beyond my most recently advertised hourly rate.

Until then, boys and girls, do what the smart kids do and get a little spit on that cock before you cover it, but cover it every time.


PS: Just to keep this communication open and productive, I welcome open conversation on this specific subject on the condition that your contribution to this issue includes indisputable evidence of my condition one way or the other. If you have no proof, you have no contribution to make, but for shutting the fuck up about it you will have my sincere appreciation.
****************************** ******************************

hobbyist: "What should we do about Caitie Mae? She's not seeing new clients or threatening anyone's business... She's not calling wives or threatening hobbyists.... SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! But what should it be?"
various hobbyists & providers:
provider: "I have and idea!"
various hobbyists & providers:
provider: "OFF with her HEAD!!"

various hobbyists & providers:
various hobbyists & providers: "what's wrong?!"
hobbyist: "Now I'll never get OFF with her HEAD again!"
various hobbyists:
various hobbyists:
****************************** ******************************

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.... lol.
  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 05:46 AM
Getting tested is something you should do anyway, why should someone have to pay for session just so you can get tested? This just seems weird to me in many ways. just get tested. Why is that so difficult? Hasn't there been enough theatrics behind his whole ordeal?

I understand that you would be upset by all of this, but this is a life or death issue that needs to be handled seriously, not childishly. So why not just simply put it all to rest by simply getting tested? Close the case and laugh in everyone's face if it's not true?

And you want everyone to shut the fuck up unless they have undisputable evidence?! Ummmm.......what's good for the geese , is good for the gander?!?!?!! And besides no one can get that, but you. So, how can anyone respond, but you?

I haven't heard there was proof on you, just hearesay about you. The other one, supposedly there is proof.
I'm not accusing any one of anything, I just want to inform every one that you can get a free, anonymous AID/HIV test on Tuesdays at Planned Parenthood. They give you the results in writing withing 10 minutes.
The test results will say something like this:

Patient: Jane, or John Doe

CDC ID #: 123400001

Date of Birth: 8/3/1900

Date of Test: 11/2/2010

Test Performed by: So and So


HIV-1 Rapid Non-Reactive

Again, its free, anonymous, and you get the results in writing, in minutes. You just have to call and make an appointment.
I just wanted to give every one some information. I'm not accusing any one of anything.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This thread is too funny. I don't know you and I sure the fuck don't care to know you but why make people guess what's going on with your possible health issues -- especially in your line of work??? Honestly, I don't see the point....If you are still in the business, let people know about any issues, if you are not, why even start a thread about this????

If it's nothing, why start the silly drama?? From what I can tell, the CME seems silly as hell right now. You clowns can have fun with that bullshit.
Getting tested is something you should do anyway, why should someone have to pay for session just so you can get tested? This just seems weird to me in many ways. just get tested. Why is that so difficult? Hasn't there been enough theatrics behind his whole ordeal?

I understand that you would be upset by all of this, but this is a life or death issue that needs to be handled seriously, not childishly. So why not just simply put it all to rest by simply getting tested? Close the case and laugh in everyone's face if it's not true? Originally Posted by a1
Perhaps you've confused "life or death issue" with bullshit high school rumors.

And you want everyone to shut the fuck up unless they have undisputable evidence?! Ummmm.......what's good for the geese , is good for the gander?!?!?!! And besides no one can get that, but you. So, how can anyone respond, but you? Originally Posted by a1
That's the point, buddy. Don't respond because you don't know what you're talking about.

I haven't heard there was proof on you, just hearesay about you. The other one, supposedly there is proof. Originally Posted by a1
Ahh, so you haven't heard any proof? Then she should obviously jump through hoops to placate the noisy bleatings of idiot sheep like yourself.
this is just a general statement about this thread...keep it on track, with no flaming.
I think, given the situation, CM has posted a proper response.

Thank you Caitie Mae.
this is just a general statement about this thread...keep it on track, with no flaming. Originally Posted by surfindick

On track per the OP would be all of us shutting the fuck up.

except of course those of you with evidence.
  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 07:58 AM
I'm just saying!!! Good grief!!!!!! I don't know the lady and honestly took the shit with a grain of salt because of the fact there is no evidence in her case, just hearesay.

Why don't you shut the fuck up kuppler, unless you saw the proof and know what you are talking about. I was merely commenting on what I thought of her post. I was not debating whether the rumor was true or not. Don't get your thong in a wad.

We're always preaching about how everyone should get tested, why should she be exempt?

If you don't have anything to hide, then get the free test and be done with it.

And guys, if you haven't seen her proof, then maybe you should get tested.

It's not my career, not my rent that needs paid. So fuck it, Catie Mae, let 'em spreading a rumor that would ruin you - you're completely right. Pure genious.

When it comes to feeding and housing my family, I would de bunk any rumor that would put me out of a job. But hey, that's just me. Maybe I'm alone in that aspect.
  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 08:14 AM
Oh and just so you know, Catie Mae, the rumor is that you're parents are praying for you in church about your condition. Apparently you had a boyfriend that engaged in highly risky activities that are not allowed to be discussed here.
In6ub9's Avatar
Shut the fuck up everyone ! Cm.. Get tested and quit playing these childish games that some people have pulled you into. Kuppler.. That was sooo overtly WK . Lame. All of you fucks.

If you speculate that the op has a "condition" then don't see the chick, duh!
Anyone who has seen CM... Take time and get tested ,seriously. Your wives and girlfriends deserve it.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Seems there are those who are incapable of learning from the mistakes of others. Anyone remember a little "outting" thread we had a while back or the many points that were handed out for jumping on that band wagon inappropriately?

Now, I haven't gone back and read the Catie thread since it started, as it seemed it was a thread that many men used to "pine" for a very sought after and gifted woman. I'm not even sure I'm referring to the same thread Catie is. Anyway, on the one I watched a bit, I had to stop reading. What lady wants to read about how a bunch of grown men continue to cry because the lady who is the subject of the thread was/is unobtainable to them for whatever reason....LOL At least that's what I got out of it. I am appalled to learn that it (or another Catie thread) may have taken the turn of trying, yet again, to hurt another undeserving person when folks don't know anything and are only speculating. If you're not embarrassed for yourselves, then I'm embarrassed for you!

Catie, I feel your pain. I too, along with many others, have been victim to the mean spirited "jr high" and even "pimp wannabe" mentality that certain individuals on this board seem to hang on to. Fortunately, some of our issues were quelled rather quickly. I certainly hope the mods and owners are on top of this matter and the points start flying for anyone who offered information that was harmful to Catie's reputation in any manner.

Some of you "haters" need to get a life and stop incessantly behaving as if you are still of the "teen angst" mentality and haven't been taught any social skills, whatsoever. Others of you just need to grow up! Take care of "yo biz" and let others take care of theirs. Share in an adult manner and keep your hands off the keyboard if you don't have something useful or fun to share, other than an actual alert that you can P R O V E.

I believe my signature line. "Entertainment is what this board is all about". It's great that the majority can see it and utilize it as such, and I wish those who didn't would stop using it as their personal "slam fest" outlet. Unfortunately, I am aware that there are some here who will maintain a childish attitude throughout their lives and refuse to join the rest who have grown up and are able to communicate in an adult manner.

I feel like I just gave my kid a lecture and like it or not, some of you deserve it and then some, IMO.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
We're always preaching about how everyone should get tested, why should she be exempt? Originally Posted by a1
If the collective "we" you mention is "always preaching" about this, where was "we" when my inbox was wide open and only one person said a word to me about it? "We" must have been too busy talkin shit to do any substantial preaching. Or so it would seem.

No one has suggested that I be exempt from testing. In fact in my post I say that I have the answer, I have the proof, the proof I have is extremely recent and that all I have to do to prove or disprove any condition is show it to someone. In case you're not keeping up, the sentence before this one says that I have been tested recently and have the results.

If you don't have anything to hide, then get the free test and be done with it. Originally Posted by a1
If you don't have anything to hide, it won't do any harm to let us in your house, your car, your garage, your office, your hotel room, your incall, your purse, your body, your etcetera, etcetera.

Thank you but no thank you, officer A1. Do the accused have no rights only when you are not among them?

It's not my career, Originally Posted by a1
It isn't my career, either.
not my rent that needs paid. Originally Posted by a1
My rent is paid on time and in full with legitimate, after-tax US currency that I rarely ever see in the form of greenbacks. It's funny that you didn't catch that I have the test results, but you did surmise that at least some part of this issue is about my ability to pay my bills.

Pure genious. Originally Posted by a1
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you, a1.
CoHorn's Avatar
I will preface this by saying that I never met CM...

Do you guys really think that if this lady had any doubt that she has ""a condition", that she wouldn't have already been tested? She is playing the same dungeons and dragons game that all the hearsayers have played about her health.

Her offer to get fresh results is just for this community to get off of her back, and to grow up with all the name calling. If you want to stop the whispers, man up and take her to get tested. Otherwise, leave the lady alone.

editted ****CM types faster than I do, she beat me to it****
  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 09:28 AM
If the collective "we" you mention is "always preaching" about this, where was "we" when my inbox was wide open and only one person said a word to me about it? "We" must have been too busy talkin shit to do any substantial preaching. Or so it would seem.

I guess one of your defense mechanisms is sarcasm because it is common knowledge that people always say be safe, get tested. What the fuck do you want me to do? Go find every post on aspd, eccie, midnightlive, ect, ect? Should I also get the radio and tv stations on here to tell you how many commercials they have made telling everyone to get tested. What you said in the above quote made no sense. And GOD DAMN! I said I didn't even pay attention to the rumor because of the lack of evidence and you and your white knights are attacking me because I commented. SHIT!!!! Youn are starting to sound like a guilty, barking dog. And I am not trying to say it's true, but DAMN!

If you don't have anything to hide, it won't do any harm to let us in your house, your car, your garage, your office, your hotel room, your incall, your purse, your body, your etcetera, etcetera.

What the hell does murder with the weapon being a vagina have to do with my house and car? And for your information, everytime I book an outcall, the lady comes into my garage, my house. Still trying to figure out the relavence of half your post.

My rent is paid on time and in full with legitimate, after-tax US currency that I rarely ever see in the form of greenbacks. It's funny that you didn't catch that I have the test results, but you did surmise that at least some part of this issue is about my ability to pay my bills.

I did catch that you said you got tested, sweetheart! Just proove your side and stop doing these threADS. I bet providing isn't your career-it's getting paid to get tested for STD's (something you should do ANYWAY) from look of your post:

I will expect no compensation beyond my most recently advertised hourly rate.
And let's keep in mind the government offers assistance to people with these kind of medical conditions, and they never see the greenbacks. Get there rent paid and everything. So what the hell are you proving with that one?

And is that the best you can do-officera1? Just making up shit. Another defense mechanism. No wonder you're the "victim" of people making up things about you, you do it, too.

And in closing argument, I remain by my statement that I take the whole rumor with a grain of salt because EVERYTHING is hearsay so far. I am waiting for SOMEBODY to come with some evidence.