
Bushjumper's Avatar
Ladies, Gentlemen & Moderators, I have been contacted by one of my ATFs that a Thug, using my 'handle', on 10 different phone numbers has been harrasing her with bodily harm & worse. She will be making her own alert. Ladies be especially careful Gentlemen you may want to check with one of your own AFTs to see if they have also been targeted.
By all means- everyone hobby safe!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Du weißt, dass das hier Houston ist, oder?
: You know this is Houston, right? :
Bushjumper's Avatar
Ich weis nicht. Scumbags know no borders. Mylady travels over several cities in Texas.
Gasp! What an asshole. It is a privilege for us to spend our money on these lovely ladies. Please have your atf call the police or perhaps give her more money so she doesn’t have to deal with asshats
Your atf should first be mad at the asshole who doesn’t realize it’s a privilege to pay for a woman to go bcd with anyone. Then the anger should turn to you. If these gentlemen will not respect her and you like her go next level. Buy her out every day. Pay her the daily wage she earns so she doesn’t have to deal with any heathens. We have got to protect these beautiful Queens at all cost!
pyramider's Avatar
Spending other people's money is fun taint it.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-14-2023, 10:39 PM
This trick is spamming the whole board with the same storyline
george6585's Avatar
its probably that drama queen from Houston. She always gets simps riled up!
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Bushjumper's Avatar
It might be illuminating for everyone to have a look at the 'Alert' Posted by Miss Trinity in the Dallas Fed Forum.
Bushjumper's Avatar
Sorry, that should be Dallas Coed Forum.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes Bushjumper
It's a Dallas forum issue

Be aware that it's my understanding that the eccie ladies in several Texas cities are well aware.

In that it's a Dallas issue, closing this duplicative thread.