Obama's veto is overturned!

bambino's Avatar
The 9/11 bill will go into law. The House is expected to vote for the bill. Families of 9/11 can now sue Saudi Arabia. It was an overwhelming rebuke of Obama. Only Harry Reid voted with Obama in the Senate. What a surprise. Imagine the secrets that might get exposed.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I personally think it's a bad idea. It's going to open up a can of worms that I think we don't want.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The 9/11 bill will go into law. The House is expected to vote for the bill. Families of 9/11 can now sue Saudi Arabia. It was an overwhelming rebuke of Obama. Only Harry Reid voted with Obama in the Senate. What a surprise. Imagine the secrets that might get exposed.

http://amp.usatoday.com/story/91184976/ Originally Posted by bambino

^ lol uneducated moron. You have no idea the international fallout from this and when it happens at least the black mans hands will be clean of it. lol

Here's a sample:

Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts.

It would be hard for the Saudi's to pull it off but if they did basically it would devalue / destabilize or currency and cause global market rifts.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The veto was a good idea and Obama's move to veto the bill was bad- the victims have the right to sue the Saudis if they were involved. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

They were not involved as numerous investigations have shown and when it's proven via US court systems this is a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle. This only hurts us long term.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The Saudi's likely won't do this but in terms of immunity as a country we are now fucked. The CIA and our covert military operatives are screwed. This is just a rabbit trail we should not have gone down since we are the worlds power broker and have so many vested global interests. A very very bad move in my view.
The Saudi's likely won't do this but in terms of immunity as a country we are now fucked. The CIA and our covert military operatives are screwed. This is just a rabbit trail we should not have gone down since we are the worlds power broker and have so many vested global interests. A very very bad move in my view. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I stand corrected, long term the Saudis could say well their are terrorist inner country and we are not going to exradite them to the U.S- yes long term it could affect us- I am going to remove my original post.
bambino's Avatar
^ lol uneducated moron. You have no idea the international fallout from this and when it happens at least the black mans hands will be clean of it. lol

Here's a sample:

It would be hard for the Saudi's to pull it off but if they did basically it would devalue / destabilize or currency and cause global market rifts. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Look Sap Sucker, I was posting what happened you idiot. It was an overwhelming vote. You got a problem with it, contact your congressman and Senator fucknuts.
W and Dick will be happy to hear that.Plus some other hawks.
Guest010619's Avatar
Can’t believe it took our representatives the 11th hour and 59th minute to grow a pair.
Guess they’ll brag about that when running for reelection.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I stand corrected, long term the Saudis could say well their are terrorist inner country and we are not going to exradite them to the U.S- yes long term it could affect us- I am going to remove my original post. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You know what else LW. This is why I always tell people that Obama is always the smartest guy in the room. Most of the right wing opposing him do so out of emotion without any rational thought. Obama in terms of politics is a young man and is very anti-establishment. If most republicans could see past race they'd understand just how talented and smart he truly is. They're still playing partisan politics while he actually thinks his way through the ramifications of an issue (i.e the Big picture).

Most of the republicans on this site complaining about money ($400M Principal) that we recently had to pay back to Iran because of future international court litigation have no idea what such a decision like this has opened up in terms of the US being targets now. We do so much shit in other countries that the average citizen is unaware of till it's not even funny. This really is bad news for us but the Senate and House (blue dogs as well) will have to own this down the road. In no way will they be able to tie Obama's name to it in any fashion once it backfires.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I also think we need to get rid of Chuck Shumer (will be minority leader) as he panders and puts the interest of Israel ahead of he US far too much for my liking. I say get rid of Shumer just like we got rid of the turncoat Joe Lieberman.
bambino's Avatar
I also think we need to get rid of Chuck Shumer (will be minority leader) as he panders and puts the interest of Israel ahead of he US far too much for my liking. I say get rid of Shumer just like we got rid of the turncoat Joe Lieberman. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Do you mean Schumer? Man, you really have a problem with Jewish people.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Do you mean Schumer? Man, you really have a problem with Jewish people. Originally Posted by bambino

I have no quarrel with Jewish people or anyone for that matter as long as they're not idiots. Chuck Shumer is an idiot and so was Joe Lieberman
bambino's Avatar
I have no quarrel with Jewish people or anyone for that matter as long as they're not idiots. Chuck Shumer is an idiot and so was Joe Lieberman Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You have a problem with idiots? Then you don't own a mirror.