Bill Clinton thinks Obama Care is "Crazy"!

bambino's Avatar

Hillary told donors that it needs changed too.
LexusLover's Avatar

Hillary told donors that it needs changed too. Originally Posted by bambino
75% of the voters think so also. They won't do shit about it.

They didn't in 1993-5. They won't now, even if THEY win in Nov.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Single payor system. Plain and simple.
bambino's Avatar
Single payor system. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A dumb fuck like you would consider that a good thing. Pigs being to be led to the slaughterhouse. You're too stupid to make your own decisions and too lazy to provide for yourself.
It's all part of the original grand scheme. Institute a system that is doomed to failure, then step in with the old......"it's time for the Federal Government to take over".

Think of the graft, corruption, kickbacks and pilfering schemes that this massive beauracracy would open the door for. Billions, maybe even trillions of dollars.
LexusLover's Avatar
Think of the graft, corruption, kickbacks and pilfering schemes that this massive beauracracy would open the door for. Billions, maybe even trillions of dollars. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Did I hear you utter "illegal aliens" under your breath?
You have a very misleading title- you act if Clinton wants to remove it - here's what Clinton stated:"So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Clinton said.

Nothing new here since Obama repeatedly has stated that there are flaws in the bill and things need to be revised, but Republicans want to scrap the whole deal and after 8 years haven't offered an alternative. Obama himself will admit that Obamacare isn't perfect.
President Obama has published an essay on Obamacare in The Journal of the American Medical Association. While it hit a lot of the Affordable Care Act’s high points, it was also pretty frank that the health law has some weaknesses that need to be fixed. Margot Sanger-Katz and Reed Abelson, two New York Times reporters who have been covering Obamacare, discuss the policy changes that the president wants.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No one gives a fuck about your ignore list, WeeEndowed.
  • DSK
  • 10-04-2016, 06:21 PM
Single payor system. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's the plan from the beginning, yes?

P.S. According to the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, a payer is "a person, organization, etc., that pays or is responsible for paying something." It lists payor as a non-preferred spelling variant of the word payer.
bambino's Avatar
That's the plan from the beginning, yes?

P.S. According to the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, a payer is "a person, organization, etc., that pays or is responsible for paying something." It lists payor as a non-preferred spelling variant of the word payer. Originally Posted by DSK
Probably, The ACA was DOA. Couldn't work. Obama needs Clinton to be elected, she will complete the job he really wanted to do. If Single payer gets put into law, kiss the US goodbye.
The problems with Obama Care is the RNC fault. They decided that they would not get anything done while Obama was in office to set the stage for a RNC president. They could have passed legislation years ago to fix the issues with Obama Care. Everyone keeps talking about the President as the leader of the Free world. The President is like the CEO of a Corp. He is only there as a figure head and to ensure the policies of the Board of Director are executed. The Founding Fathers did that because they didn’t want live under another king. The President can pass no legislation accept the limited abilities with the Executive Order. Congress makes the rules he just set the policies on how those rules are carried out. Trump keeps talking about the policies’ that Clinton set in place did this and that. I guess he doesn’t realize the job of the Secretary of State. The only other job she has had in Washington was as a Senator with one vote out of a hundred. If you want to fault anyone for the current condition of the country. You would have to blame Capitol Hill not the Whitehouse. You hear Trump and Hillary saying they are going to do this and that. They can’t do anything but what Capitol Hill lets them. They talk about how deeply we are in debt. The President gives his budget request to Congress. They pass it or not. The President can only spend the money that Congress gives him to spend. The President signs the check but Congress keeps and maintain the checkbook and the account. Until you vote all of the member of Capitol Hill (DNC and RNC) out of office you are not going to have any change.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nancy Pelosi declared that the ACA was perfect, and needed no fixing. This is the same person who said, "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it."

And why should the Republicans fix it? No Republican voted for it, and the Democrats lost the Congress primarily because of Obamacare. The President interfered with the Congress' desire to repeal the damn thing. The majority STILL don't want it. It's a disaster.
The problems with Obama Care is the RNC fault. They decided that they would not get anything done while Obama was in office to set the stage for a RNC president. They could have passed legislation years ago to fix the issues with Obama Care. Everyone keeps talking about the President as the leader of the Free world. The President is like the CEO of a Corp. He is only there as a figure head and to ensure the policies of the Board of Director are executed. The Founding Fathers did that because they didn’t want live under another king. The President can pass no legislation accept the limited abilities with the Executive Order. Congress makes the rules he just set the policies on how those rules are carried out. Trump keeps talking about the policies’ that Clinton set in place did this and that. I guess he doesn’t realize the job of the Secretary of State. The only other job she has had in Washington was as a Senator with one vote out of a hundred. If you want to fault anyone for the current condition of the country. You would have to blame Capitol Hill not the Whitehouse. You hear Trump and Hillary saying they are going to do this and that. They can’t do anything but what Capitol Hill lets them. They talk about how deeply we are in debt. The President gives his budget request to Congress. They pass it or not. The President can only spend the money that Congress gives him to spend. The President signs the check but Congress keeps and maintain the checkbook and the account. Until you vote all of the member of Capitol Hill (DNC and RNC) out of office you are not going to have any change. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
Bullshit. Boehner and other Rep congressmen reached out and actually did pass legislation to fix Obamacare several times. It died in the Senate thanks to Harry Reid. Obama made many fixes through Executive Order that was contained in these pieces of legislation.

The business option still hasn't come to fruition and likely never will.

I got my company's insurance packet yesterday. Me+wife+family healthcare coverage went up another $100 a month from last year.
LexusLover's Avatar
The problems with Obama Care is the RNC fault. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
Yes, the "RNC" drafted, passed, and regulated it for the past six years!

(Sarcasm alert!)

You can go back and sit on the porch now!
LexusLover's Avatar
I got my company's insurance packet yesterday. Me+wife+family healthcare coverage went up another $100 a month from last year. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's not much of an increase comparatively speaking ...

... have the benefits been cut and the copays increased?

(I'm not asking what the actual premiums have been either.)

Some are ridiculously high with family packages. Interestingly enough unions have been able to negotiate better deals for members. Some companies with union member employees have shifted the responsibility to the unions to avoid the high employer premiums.