Hillary’s recovered emails reveal her pulling strings for Chelsea’s ‘best friend’ to get consulting contracts

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Hillary’s recovered emails reveal her pulling strings for Chelsea’s ‘best friend’ to get consulting contracts

By Thomas Lifson

Federal ethics rules are crystal-clear: government employees “shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.” But that’s not how it worked in Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Bill Gertz of the Free Beacon has done us all a favor by combing through the emails recovered from Hillary Clinton’s server deletions, and revealing the way business really is done at the highest levels of Beltway Banditry when a Clinton wants something to happen.

The story he puts together demonstrates that Hillary “recommended” Chelsea’s “best friend” for government contracts to influence policy-making at the State Department and Defense Department. It is well worth reading in its entirety, because it constitutes a portrait of the way business really is done.

Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.

Deal is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. Emails between the two were included among the thousands recovered from a private email server used by the secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Chelsea Clinton has described Deal as her best friend. Both Clintons attended Deal’s 2011 wedding.

Keep in mind that there is no law against Hillary’s actions here. It is the ethics rules that appear to be violated.

Politically, the last thing Hillary needs is to be revealed as violating federal ethics rules. The public already knows she is accused of using influence for foreign corrupt interests, and this just conforms to her standard operating procedure. From Bill Gertz’s terminal to Donald Trump's eyes, presumably

There is a lot of information in the piece on the consulting that informs high-level policymaking. The propriety and utility of this practice is worth discussing, but not here. Gertz does an excellent job introducing us to the situation, and that alone makes this a great read.

Federal ethics rules are crystal-clear: government employees “shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.” But that’s not how it worked in Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Bill Gertz of the Free Beacon has done us all a favor by combing through the emails recovered from Hillary Clinton’s server deletions, and revealing the way business really is done at the highest levels of Beltway Banditry when a Clinton wants something to happen.

The story he puts together demonstrates that Hillary “recommended” Chelsea’s “best friend” for government contracts to influence policy-making at the State Department and Defense Department. It is well worth reading in its entirety, because it constitutes a portrait of the way business really is done.

Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.

Deal is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. Emails between the two were included among the thousands recovered from a private email server used by the secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Chelsea Clinton has described Deal as her best friend. Both Clintons attended Deal’s 2011 wedding.

Keep in mind that there is no law against Hillary’s actions here. It is the ethics rules that appear to be violated.

Politically, the last thing Hillary needs is to be revealed as violating federal ethics rules. The public already knows she is accused of using influence for foreign corrupt interests, and this just conforms to her standard operating procedure. From Bill Gertz’s terminal to Donald Trump's eyes, presumably

There is a lot of information in the piece on the consulting that informs high-level policymaking. The propriety and utility of this practice is worth discussing, but not here. Gertz does an excellent job introducing us to the situation, and that alone makes this a great read.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sweet!!! if that's all they got her on then let's pour out a little liquor for our dead homies
Marshall2.0's Avatar
Sweet!!! if that's all they got her on then let's pour out a little liquor for our dead homies Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What the fuck are you talking about using ghetto language?
the recovered emails are one thing

but whew! for hellary, those yoga and wedding emails are safe

no ones been able to get them yet, the bleachbit did its job
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sweet!!! if that's all they got her on then let's pour out a little liquor for our dead homies Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's not all they got her on, homo, Er, I mean, homie. Sorry. Honest mistake, Fisting Chaps.