Thanks everyone for the patience and well wishes.....

MorganOBM's Avatar
Instead of writing a ton of people back at inappropriate times I figured I'd post in the most obvious places. Wednesday early morning I had an appendectomy of the surprise type and I'm doing well. I'm recovering and the long term cosmetic damage is absolutely zero (how they can do this without even a stitch amazes me) although I have obvious swelling and bruising now. I'm off all pain meds and planning to return to my regular schedule around the 20th if I can hold out that long lol.......

I apologize for missed meetings/communication. I'll be back better than ever soon. I am still skimming through for reference requests.
Wait--three holes in that operation, yeah?

Hope you are on the mend soon. There's nothing like parting with an internal organ on an unscheduled basis to really spice up a week.......
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 05-13-2019, 05:57 PM
It's much easier having it done as a kid.

Get better, the new surgical techniques are amazing.

I was in for almost a week and nearly died from sepsis.

Ahhhh, the good old days...
Glad you're feeling better and that you are on the mend.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Enjoy your rest and relaxation.
Glad to hear you are on the mend and came through relatively unscathed. Enjoy the forced time off.
MorganOBM's Avatar
Of course it came at a super inconvenient time but oh well, it's not something easily planned.

It's still uncomfortable and I'm swollen but nothing awful. My libido is unscathed so my time in bed by myself has been interesting

I'm still really excited the care they took giving me a good cosmetic result. The incisions are tiny and glued and all sutures are internal. Call me vain but I was really concerned it would be ugly when I was on my way to surgery.

Hopefully I'll be back very soon!
Glad you're feeling better. You'll be back on your...back in no time 😁😁😁

Take this time to chill and catch up on netflix
Lexxxy's Avatar
Get well soon!
MorganOBM's Avatar
Thanks everyone! I woke up this morning feeling great and my waist finally has definition again (I was swollen). I'm going to resist the urge to hump anything that will hold still this weekend haha and rest so I can hopefully return to Pittsburgh next week.

Definitely a reminder that anything can happen at anytime and to keep a nest egg. I'm finally feeling like catching up on 2 weeks of paperwork for my real job ugh.
Heatherlicous's Avatar
Oh girl, I've heard that's painful. I'm glad you were taken care of with out any complications.Im glad your feelings better & will be back soon, take care, Heather xoxo
mrmxmr's Avatar
glad to hear your ok and on the mend !
I'm going to resist the urge to hump anything that will hold still this weekend haha and rest so I can hopefully return to Pittsburgh next week.
Originally Posted by MorganOBM
I mean, push yourself to recovery. Rehab is good, etc, etc.....
MorganOBM's Avatar
I'm about to go crazy lol, I think I'm at 100% but not sure how to test that theory.
I'm about to go crazy lol, I think I'm at 100% but not sure how to test that theory. Originally Posted by MorganOBM
I have some ideas. Didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night....