Measuring contest

I was reading the boards and a usually do on most days, and have been doing for a long time. I think I started during the ASPD days, and I continue to notice the drama the exists here, there and everywhere. I honestly don't understand it. I think most of us are here for the same reason, we like to have sex. I personally have managed to stay out of the drama because I see enough of it in real life I don't need virtual drama to make my life more interesting and certainly don't need to feel good about myself by putting others down. I really wish the we could eliminate some of the drama, stop the name calling and maybe this place would be a little more enjoyable for everyone.
Gabrielle's Avatar

I didn't invite someone to a party. The amount of abuse both on and off the site is RIDICULOUS. Absolutely.

About a year ago I had a few of you fine, sex AF friends who joined my snapchat group of responses. I hardly read much of the drama...I just copy and paste where necessary. Isn't it fucked up when guys won't even respond in fears of being belittled and called names. It helped their frustration as well as mine (cause I didn't have to deal with it )

Nowadays I just block em all and my snapchat group has morphed into the sexy snapchat pic group. Which is so much more fun than debating with middle to late aged men who think drama is cute. It's not.
bambino's Avatar

I didn't invite someone to a party. The amount of abuse both on and off the site is RIDICULOUS. Absolutely.

About a year ago I had a few of you fine, sex AF friends who joined my snapchat group of responses. I hardly read much of the drama...I just copy and paste where necessary. Isn't it fucked up when guys won't even respond in fears of being belittled and called names. It helped their frustration as well as mine (cause I didn't have to deal with it )

Nowadays I just block em all and my snapchat group has morphed into the sexy snapchat pic group. Which is so much more fun than debating with middle to late aged men who think drama is cute. It's not. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
But you did invite me to your data mining lunch. I gave you a fake email. Carry on. To the OP, if you been around since the ASPD days you know that “drama” always existed. Whatever “drama” means. You are in control of what you do. Don’t read what you consider “drama”. Problem solved.
I mean, if the self-evident irony of this thread just doesn't just fly off the screen at you......
I was complaining to a friend about a reality tv show, a how to show, and the stupid problems they encounter, and how these should have been vetted early on. His reply, 'every good story needs some drama'.

I have been on these boards just over ten years now. And active I would say for about seven? Memory But anyhow, in my daily life, I never really knew much drama. My sig other and her family is as benign as any group of folks could possibly be. I stayed away from some of my family for years cause of drama, I have no use for it.

In saying that, some of the ladies I have met, through escorting and on sugar daddy sites, of my lord. Wow, the drama in their lives is incredible, and as the old saying goes, life is stranger than fiction. And I add, its also more dangerous.

I have inherited some workers whose life is nothing but daily drama, and it is tiring to say the least. I dont know how people live with it, but it seems like if they have two days without it, they need to create some.

On the old indys site it could be entertaining at times, the cat fights per se.

Anyhow, some ramblings.

I guess, if you dont like the show, turn the channel.
I can say this:
Have you ever been in a fight or argument and felt that adrenaline rush? THAT is what causes people to crave it and essentially create it when there is no drama to be had. It's the quest for the rush that keeps it going, and when it's not present, it is missed and created. It's a 'free' the sense that it doesn't (usually) cost a dime. Just some name calling, hurt feelings and sleepless nights.
Many years ago I dated a girl who created drama when there was no need for it. It drove me absolutely crazy, and after a while, I started craving it too. That's when we broke up!
But to your point, there is no need for it in the hobby world, although this is the place for it since 'certain circles' are raised with it and know nothing different.
Most of the time I quickly scan it and see who is posting, and then quickly pass over things. Not long ago I was with a provider who I chose not to review, as is the case with most of my encounters. The discussion moved to the advertising boards and I we both laughed at all the drama that exists here, there and every where. I agree that it has always existed and I have always quickly dismissed it and moved on. I was just making an observation...
I don't think you can get more than a dozen people together on a board, chatroom, thread or even in person without someone creating some drama.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe the Wolfpack will come back. Those rascals!
I think the Wolfpack was poached out of existence
bambino's Avatar
I think the Wolfpack was poached out of existence Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Ones still around. He doesn’t post much. But jeez, they drove people on Indy’s crazy. I must say I enjoyed the show.