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The US has the highest number of infections
Trumps policies are working ..we're going to win this .."I've got it under control"
Missburger's Avatar
The US has the highest number of infections
Trumps policies are working ..we're going to win this .."I've got it under control" Originally Posted by keeponrisin
he said that on feb 22 very true
Plastic Man's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar

His cucks & fluffers are giddy with glee.....

Update today:
• According to tracking from Johns Hopkins University, there are more than 1 million confirmed coronavirus cases and 56,000 deaths worldwide.

• The United States leads the world with more than 258,000 COVID-19 cases. More than 6,500 Americans have died from the virus.
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
Is it possible other countries numbers are just as high but just havnt been reported???
Zollner's Avatar
Depends on what 'source' you believe.
Zollner's Avatar
Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses

The project, launched by the U.S. Agency for International Development in 2009 by Obama, identified 1,200 different viruses that had the potential to erupt into pandemics, including more than 160 novel coronaviruses.

Months before the discovery of the deadly coronavirus in China, the Trump administration ended this program that helped laboratories around the world detect viruses that could spread from animals to humans and cause the next global pandemic.

Then, to fill this void Trump did this.....
Trump replaced White House Pandemic-Response Team with Jared Kushner

At his coronavirus press briefing yesterday, Fox News correspondent John
Roberts asked President Trump about his 2018 decision to eliminate the
National Security Council’s pandemic-response office. Trump lashed out,
“You know that’s a false story, what you just said is a false story ... You
shouldn’t be repeating a story you know is false,” accusing Roberts of
“working for CNN.” (The charge of committing legitimate journalism is the
most serious charge Trump could think to hurl at a Fox News employee.)

The story is not false. Trump did eliminate the job of coordinating a national
pandemic response. And the strongest evidence of the damage he did is that
this job is now being performed by Jared Kushner.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Is it possible other countries numbers are just as high but just havnt been reported??? Originally Posted by Dzaddy_D
Great question because as we all know China's number are absolutely dead on accurate!!!

Also as is reported the more testing you do the more cases you will find. We are doing more testing than anyone by far.

I know all of this will fall on deaf ears because people like to just sit back and bitch. Same people that called POTUS a racist for the travel ban against China in January.
Then count the deaths
Zollner's Avatar
Also as is reported the more testing you do the more cases you will find. We are doing more testing than anyone by far. Originally Posted by tbear4u77
Actually US testing rates are abysmally low compared to other coutries!!!

USA fares even WORSE here when you expand graph which shows more countries added:
If you think for a minute. Chinas death count doesnt dwarf ours....think for a lot longer....maybe 2 minutes.
Also, if you think that China has plateaued with deaths....think again...maybe 4 minutes this time
Zollner's Avatar
Yup, we have no idea on China, Russia or Rocket Man's real death rates.... all great pals of our Orange Imbecile.

I mean Brazil confirms first indigenous coronavirus case deep in the Amazon
And Brazil like China, S Korea, Italy and a few other countries is doing mass spraying of streets and neighborhoods with disinfectants to kill covid virus which can live on the bottom of shoes for up to 5 days.

Why are there NO disinfectant solutions being mass sprayed in the USA???
Actually US testing rates are abysmally low compared to other coutries!!!

USA fares even WORSE here when you expand graph which shows more countries added: Originally Posted by Zollner
There are three levels of falsehoods.
Damn lies