Question for the forum

Number1stunner's Avatar
I have been seeing a massuse off and on for about 3 years now. I love her massage but re ently I have had a dilemma with her......

I think I have been a loyal customer in this timeframe....there have been times I have seen her on a Friday, went back to see her on Monday and gone back the following Friday.....she is that very slow and deliberate about teasing the boys while facedown even mixing in some scratching down there as is my dilemma......

Her pricing. When I first began to see her, her rate was times I would give her 100. So one day I ask how much is it for 1.5 hrs and she said for everyone else 150 but since I am a loyal customer she would do it for 110.....

So a while back when I scheduled a session she informed me that my rate was now 130 for 1.5 hours. I was like okay.....and we went with that for a while, but I wasn't coming to see her as often as before because of this......

Then two weeks ago she informs me that the he rate was now going to 100/hr and 150 for 1.5 hours......needless to say I stopped going.

Am I wrong for feeling this way? She gives a good massage but the constant increases are turning me off. Should I have been grandfathered in at my rate or am i tripping?
I don't think you were wrong about what you did. Not every Provider will grandfather someone. I in fact make sure that I have a note on my website that I grandfather my rates in case I go up at any time.

Sorry this happened to you. Cum try me out and I'll work with you. Just look at my reviews and you can contact them and I'll even give you other names if needed.

Happy New Year!!
Kit Walker's Avatar
I think you need to let her know why you are no longer coming to her. She needs to know so she can rethink her pricing for,her regulars.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Wow, a whole $20 increase in 3 years? What's the world coming to?

Lol. Just messing with you but seriously, you're not entitled to a grandfathered rate it's her prerogative. Grandfathered rates are like a transitional safety net, once enough new customers are gained at the new rates it no longer makes real sense to have any significant portion of business grandfathered. It doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate your loyal patronage over the years.

Businesses often raise prices if the market will tolerate it, nature of the beast. She might lose your specific business because of it but if she's in demand you'll be replaced by a higher paying customer. If you're sensitive to the new pricing or feel slighted by the increase for some reason then it's only natural that when it happens you'll find another business at a more comfortable price point.

I hope you're getting more than a tease though for $100/hr unless it's in an upscale environment.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 12-30-2014, 02:47 PM
Nah. I Would stop going too.
Well she said $150 for others and gave you $110. And you tip her like $20 most of the times as you say, so you paying like $130 anyway. Now it is $150. So you are looking at $20 difference over few years.

So if $20 bother you don't go see her. Also do you think $150 for 1.5hr way over today market price? Or you just think you are entitled below market price? I don't understand. If you like how she treat you so much this should not bother you at all.
  • YSD
  • 12-30-2014, 03:02 PM
I think you are right. An offer is an offer. Had a similar thing happen to me. Helped a provider early on by being a good customer. Saw her several times. She quotes me a special rate for being a steady customer when she really needed it and then started ratcheting the price up incrementally.

I decided to see her less often.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yeah, you're wrong...
It sounds to me like she was just not giving you a discount anymore.

I know I have a regular I go to and the 90 min. Rate for massage only is 90.

I know massage plus providers seem to be charging $120 hr, so 30 minutes for 30 dollars seems like a normal rate to me.
Your tripping ... she isn't grandfathering your rates, and she does not need to do that, it's a courtesy on her part. Either has enough full price clients to fill the loss of your business and/or she does not particularly value you as a client ... maybe both. Or, she does not want to work on anyone below her current market rate.

For massage, the hourly rates are generally $70 to $80 per hour and $110 to $120 for 1.5 hours, excluding any tip you might deem worthy. At $100/hr and $150/1.5 hrs, her rates are above average. Find someone else if you are not happy with the new prices.
pyramider's Avatar
Her rates are her rates ... either see her or not.
Her rates are her rates ... either see her or not. Originally Posted by pyramider
Personally, I think this is a conversation you should've been having with her. You could've told her what your budget was and she would've had a choice of working with it or not. To bring it to the board doesn't accomplish anything in the sense that it won't make her any more inclined to bring her price down than a simple, personal talk would.

With just any business, she has the right to set her prices and, since this is a free market, you have the choice to purchase or walk away. But, the truth is, once you start resenting the price you pay, is time to walk away...

Good luck


Russ38's Avatar
Yup...every time I'm offered a cost of living raise at work, I turn that shit down and just tell the company thanks, but no thanks.....
That 3% over 3 years.....

Shiet... I can find a warm hooker...