STD Testing

robs4.1's Avatar
OK, so not quite sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes. I was wondering what providers as well as hobbyist think about asking when were they last tested. I did have a slight scare several weeks ago and was checked and happily I can say everything was negative. We all know the risks involved even if it is just a BBBJ as all providers as well as hobbyists want to feel safe and play safe. I am by no means saying that we as hobbyists or even providers for that matter are not having safe sex.

I just think that it is an important question and that neither party can ever say well "I'm safe" w/o actually knowing or having been tested recently. So, I guess my question is without trying to ruin the moment between provider and hobbyist how would you go about asking w/o feeling like you are accusing the provider of having any type of STD. Also, how would you as hobbyist feel if when you asked her, she asked you the same question back? This is not about making accusations to anyone, what it is about is safe sex practices and making the hobby a safe 1 for all who choose to be a part of it whether it be client or provider.
Theres always a risk. I mean with big money comes risks and this is one of them. You can never really know for sure I mean, I always use protection but that doesn't always protect you. Any man can tell you "Hey yeah I'm protected" but in all reality they either haven't been checked or they are giving you bullshit. Think about it. They probably have seen many many women 4 money you know? so yeah.. But we all want the money so we block the possibilities out of our minds.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I would think that as adults we could ask and answer just questions with honesty and without getting offended. After all this is the sex industry and it is to be expected. I am tested, WITHOUT FAIL, every 2 months like clock work. I dont do BBFS either but it is always better to know and to be safe and healthy in all aspects. I always ask. If it offends, so be it. I am never offended when and if I am asked but that is rare. I dont feel there is anything worng with just bringing it up and asking. If someone absolutely gets crazy offended and just flys of the handle I would have to question WHY they are so defensive.

Interesting thread!

I always thought the recommended testing times is every 4 to 5 months. But anywho, I'm pretty new to the game so anyone know what the cost of a typical STD test is and is it covered on insurance?
1. It makes me feel a little more comfortable with the person who asks if/when i was tested.
2. If someone loosed that lovin' feeling after being asked that question, I would see that as a red flag and would be glad to get rid of them. accusation, smation.

My question is: How often should a person be tested since most STD's take 6 to 12 months to make a visible appearance. My personal policy is every 3 months.

One final thought. No need for anyone to bring out paperwork for me as I always do a visual test and a smell test.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I always thought the recommended testing times is every 4 to 5 months. But anywho, I'm pretty new to the game so anyone know what the cost of a typical STD test is and is it covered on insurance? Originally Posted by AlaBamer
My personal preference for my own paranoid mind is getting tested every 60 days- period.

I normally have to pay for most of my visits since my insurance DOES pay but for only 3 per year. Everyones insurance is different but I am sure it must pay for some of the visits. Out of pocket I see no better investment save for cost of screening measures, privacy and advertising. I usually spend 50-80 every 2 months for complete overall testing of all STDs including HIV/AIDS, and the routine Woman issues, etc as those things CAN and ARE affected by frequent sexual intercourse. You can NEVER be too careful.

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
One final thought. No need for anyone to bring out paperwork for me as I always do a visual test and a smell test. Originally Posted by anova444

Are you kidding!? If they present me willingly with paperwork to prove they are clean- hell yeah! I am not gonna look the other way on that one. I'm prepared to read!

I know the smell and visual "tests" we providers take are a must and for good reason but they are, as you know, fallable. A man's body is way BETTER at concealing an STD than a woman's body. It is just science. Hell, we already know how much more easier it is for a woman to transmit an STD to a man than a man to a woman. That is also science.

The best anyone can do is: 1st: If there is doubt; dont pull it out! 2nd: Cover your junk all the time! 3rd: Lube it up real well to aid in non breakage of the condom.

robs4.1's Avatar
Well depending on which test or if we are just going w/all certain things will not show up 2 mos later. HIV can be in your body I believe for 6 mos but I am sure that you would have signs of infection if that were the case. Other STD's such as HSV-1 and 2 may not even show signs until a week or 2 after. As already stated any person can say "yeah I was tested" or "yeah I'm ok" but your just never going to know w/o some sort of proof. I am not saying bring it w/u or that said person is lying but I guess that is a risk we both take as client and provider. We as hoobyist nor you as a provider want to contract anything but at least we know if we do who was telling the truth and who was not..again no accusations are being made just sharing my thoughts.
every 3 months is the norm. w/out insurance it will cost several hundred dollars + in order to get all of your bloodwork done. then it's sent to labs for testing and takes weeks to get in....

std's can lie dormant in one's body, depending on the situation, even with the bloodwork, it can take a while to actually show up on screen...

soooo, while you may "NEGATIVE".... the dormant little shits are hiding in corners, just waiting out their time. By your next visit, you may have seen god only knows how many people....

Fact of the matter is that their is no such thing as safe sex! The only true, 100% way to make sure you are clean is to NOT engage in sexual activities of any kind, don't use public restrooms, don't shake anyone's hand, don't hug anyone, don't kiss anyone, and the list goes on and on and on....

just my thoughts

P.S. Hot Pic!
Lol, thanks anova. your pic as well, makes me wanna ride your ass
I spend $150 a month to get STD testing done, I wish everyone would do the same.

I would happily supply my paper work to every client I see provided they have their own to show me as well.

I think we need to take a hint from the porn industry. They do it and it works GREAT! need to get STD tested on a regular basis as well. Either anonymous or otherwise, it needs to be done.

Ladies...if you are in the business and don't get tested at LEAST every 3 months, even if everything is protected...then shame on you.

This is a really small community so lets look out for one another! =)

(I just re-read the entire thread and I am so happy to see so many providers that get tested on a regular basis! You girls are awesome! There was a thread on another board that didn't go so well...let's just say I was surprised at the amount of ladies that did NOT ever get tested)
I also get mine done once a month. My reasoning is that I am at the Dr.'s office anyways, why not test too? I am on some regular meds for allergies, nerves, and birth insurance covers it since the office visit is already neccessary for other reasons.

Also, I have a very good Dr. who understands I have differant sexual partners. I think it's important for your Dr. to understand that so they can be extra precautious with your testing.

I have had gentlemen ask me about me testing...I have no problem with that. It just shows that he is taking care of his self and being safe.
Are you kidding!? If they present me willingly with paperwork to prove they are clean- hell yeah! I am not gonna look the other way on that one. I'm prepared to read!

I know the smell and visual "tests" we providers take are a must and for good reason but they are, as you know, fallable. A man's body is way BETTER at concealing an STD than a woman's body. It is just science. Hell, we already know how much more easier it is for a woman to transmit an STD to a man than a man to a woman. That is also science.

The best anyone can do is: 1st: If there is doubt; dont pull it out! 2nd: Cover your junk all the time! 3rd: Lube it up real well to aid in non breakage of the condom. KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Great advice, KelliAnn! I do believe you are mistaken, though, about it being easier for women to spread STD's to men. It's the other way around.
I get tested about every 6 months.

I work in the medical field and when you deal with that type of stuff you want to know your safe.

My insurance covers it, but you can also go down to your local health department and it is usually a little cheaper.

I also have had the Hep B shots due to my work in the medical field.

I always cover up and make sure I am clean of any bugs.

when i lived in los angeles I had a chance to be in a porn film (as an xtra), but you had to be tested out the whazoo before they would let you join. They us AIM healthcare which was started by a former porn star. They have several sattelite offices around now.

Have fun and be safe