The GOP gave Reagan slack why not give it to Obama?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok, I hope Whirl really reads this topic and responds- ditto to I. M and the rest of these anti-Obama haters. You guys love to say how bad Obama is and how high the UE rate is how much spending Obama has done, but let's re- visit and take a trip down history lane.
We can all agree that from Day 1- Obama inherited the follwing:
A. Two wars- one of which he voted against as a senator and that many felt was unjustified
B. An UE rate that was spiraling out of control
C. A housing crisis that was really bad
D. There was one huge TARP that was near a trillion dollars before Obama stepped in office.
Ok so basically it's fair to say Obama was handed a mess. It wasn't like in 2000 when Clinton handed Bush: a budget surplus, no wars, a booming economy, and a low UE rate.

Now let's go back to 1980- the last great Republican President Ronald Reagan was handed the following from Carter:
A. High UE rate
B. Sky high gas prices
C. Inflation
D. Oil embargo
E. Mid East crisis with Iran holding American hostages
Now thanks for the research from Doove who posted the following links:

A few things worth noting. The unemployment rate in May '09, 4 months after Obama took office and inarguably prior to his policies having any major impact, was 9.4%. Today it stands at 9.2%, and it's actually down from it's peak of 10.1% in Oct '09.

For the purpose of comparing apples to apples, let's look at the record under Bush. In May of his inaugural year, the UE rate stood at 4.3%. 25 months later, in June of '03, it stood at 6.3% - an increase of 2 full percentage points. For Obama, from May of '09 to June of '11, the same respective 25 month period for his Presidency, it's gone from 9.4% to 9.2% - a minor drop, as opposed to a 2 percentage point increase.

Just pointin' out the facts.

Edit: Oh, and when Bush took office it was 4.2%. When he left, it was 7.8%. Good thing he cut taxes or God only knows what the unemployment rate would have looked like when he left office.

On top of that Doove posted the following:

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And should anyone care about a similar comparison to the Reagan years:

In May of Reagan's first year, the rate was 7.5%. 25 months later, in June of '83 it was 10.1%.

So to recap: Using the same respective time periods in their Presidencies, under Bush, the UE climbed by 2 percentage points. Under Reagan, it increased by 2.6 percentage points. Under Obama, it dropped by 0.2 percentage points.

We report, you decide.

However, for some odd reason no rebuttal from I..M or Marshall- hmmm I wonder why?

So my question to you Whirl- why the double standard? Reagan sure as hell didn't have the country on his feet in 3 years?
Reagan also raised taxes and during his years he spent more money than all over the Presidents before him combined? Again why no outrage for the Gipper?

The reason being Whirl is that it's hard to defend a LIE and easy to defend the Truth- because when the truth is presented to you- you run, duck and don't respond because you have no real answers- I would like or you to respond Whirl.
Gladman's Avatar
Only Congress cuts or raises taxes. Thanks for the link--showing exactly how the Democrat-controlled Congress from 2007-2011 influenced UE.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Only Congress cuts or raises taxes. Thanks for the link--showing exactly how the Democrat-controlled Congress from 2007-2011 influenced UE. Originally Posted by Gladman
Yes but remember the President can VETO any bill that he wishes- are you telling me Reagan didn't approve of the Tax increases during his tenure?
Gladman's Avatar
The graph speaks for itself.
I just ran across this so I don't have any research on me to counter what you have said. What I can say is that there are always pieces of the puzzle left out by both sides to make themselves look good. I can also say that I think that President Reagan was probably an honorable man and cared about this country. The current president is not honorable. How does an honorable man accept a Nobel Peace Prize for having done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!? An honorable man would have graciously turned it down and said there are others who deserve it more. How does a man who cares about his country constantly demean us while giving speeches to other countries. Our country may not be perfect but when compared to others we do pretty darn good. I don't need the leader of the country telling us we aren't the leaders anymore and that our good days are behind us. Christ, if our teachers talked to our children in school the way he talks about us it would be considered hurtful and demeaning. Is that the way to be a leader? You want to be political? He said he would keep the unemployment rate below 9% if he got to spend all that money. Hasn't happened! All those "shovel ready" projects. Hasn't happened. Said he would be "different" and "bi-partisan". Hasn't happened! He did spend a huge amount of time working in a strictly partisan fashion putting together a health care plan that had no input from the people representing the other fully 50% of the voting population. And allowed the economy to become worse while doing it. A health care system the government has absolutely no hope of ever paying for just like they can't pay for Social Security and Medicare programs. All the while not paying any attention to passing a budget, when they had both houses, just so they could push to the brink of default and, guess what, blame the mean ole Republicans.

Sir, I suggest you stop worrying about the past and worry more abut your future and where this man is taking us. He doesn't want us to be a strong nation. He doesn't want us to be independent. He doesn't want us to be free. It has been said too many times to count and demonstrated throughout history. The more power your government has over your life and the more dependent you are on them the less freedom you will have. I was against "Homeland Security" and all that went with it and I am against everything this man stands for. You should look back at the last sixty years and see how we have become a weaker country. At every step of the way there is a Libral policy, law or rule that will be at the root. Show me a conservative value that makes the country weaker. Just look at your school systems - Libral - failures. Movies? Music? You may wonder why kids are talking about - or worse, having sex - at a much younger age than I even thought about it. Librals - you can't smoke in a movie or on T.V. but you can have programs like GLEE that have adults portraying children having sex and going after their teachers oh, and of course telling us just how great homosexuals are and that maybe you should try it just to check it out.

Our country stayed strong for years because we believed we were the best and we had some kind moral compass. The Left has constantly fought against that and we are now seeing the results. Don't try to say I am a some right wing religious nut either because I'm agnostic.

Using a religious saying to finish : You will reap what you sew ... be careful who you vote for because you will get what you deserve.

Oh, we were told we would be out of the Middle East and GITMO would be closed. Hasn't happened!

Good luck with your future.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-24-2011, 03:55 PM
Only Congress cuts or raises taxes. Thanks for the link--showing exactly how the Democrat-controlled Congress from 2007-2011 influenced UE. Originally Posted by Gladman
Wow, pretty amazing what a total calamity a Democratic Congress can create, in spite of a Republican President, in only a few short months. And they did it without even over-riding one single veto. Impressive.


What's your excuse for the increase from '01 to '03?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-24-2011, 03:59 PM
I just ran across this so I don't have any research on me to counter what you have said. Originally Posted by katinsa
Sure you do! You've got 3 hours a day of listening to Rush Limbaugh and, until recently, a nightly dose of Glen Beck.

Don't be so modest.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I just ran across this so I don't have any research on me to counter what you have said. What I can say is that there are always pieces of the puzzle left out by both sides to make themselves look good. I can also say that I think that President Reagan was probably an honorable man and cared about this country. The current president is not honorable. How does an honorable man accept a Nobel Peace Prize for having done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!? An honorable man would have graciously turned it down and said there are others who deserve it more. How does a man who cares about his country constantly demean us while giving speeches to other countries. Our country may not be perfect but when compared to others we do pretty darn good. I don't need the leader of the country telling us we aren't the leaders anymore and that our good days are behind us. Christ, if our teachers talked to our children in school the way he talks about us it would be considered hurtful and demeaning. Is that the way to be a leader? You want to be political? He said he would keep the unemployment rate below 9% if he got to spend all that money. Hasn't happened! All those "shovel ready" projects. Hasn't happened. Said he would be "different" and "bi-partisan". Hasn't happened! He did spend a huge amount of time working in a strictly partisan fashion putting together a health care plan that had no input from the people representing the other fully 50% of the voting population. And allowed the economy to become worse while doing it. A health care system the government has absolutely no hope of ever paying for just like they can't pay for Social Security and Medicare programs. All the while not paying any attention to passing a budget, when they had both houses, just so they could push to the brink of default and, guess what, blame the mean ole Republicans.

Sir, I suggest you stop worrying about the past and worry more abut your future and where this man is taking us. He doesn't want us to be a strong nation. He doesn't want us to be independent. He doesn't want us to be free. It has been said too many times to count and demonstrated throughout history. The more power your government has over your life and the more dependent you are on them the less freedom you will have. I was against "Homeland Security" and all that went with it and I am against everything this man stands for. You should look back at the last sixty years and see how we have become a weaker country. At every step of the way there is a Libral policy, law or rule that will be at the root. Show me a conservative value that makes the country weaker. Just look at your school systems - Libral - failures. Movies? Music? You may wonder why kids are talking about - or worse, having sex - at a much younger age than I even thought about it. Librals - you can't smoke in a movie or on T.V. but you can have programs like GLEE that have adults portraying children having sex and going after their teachers oh, and of course telling us just how great homosexuals are and that maybe you should try it just to check it out.

Our country stayed strong for years because we believed we were the best and we had some kind moral compass. The Left has constantly fought against that and we are now seeing the results. Don't try to say I am a some right wing religious nut either because I'm agnostic.

Using a religious saying to finish : You will reap what you sew ... be careful who you vote for because you will get what you deserve.

Oh, we were told we would be out of the Middle East and GITMO would be closed. Hasn't happened!

Good luck with your future. Originally Posted by katinsa
Speaking of honrable- hmmm what about Reagan's years selling arms to Iran to aid the contras and Nicragugua and you think Reagan knew nothing about that issue? We are selling weapons to Iran who hated us and had took our hostages and at the same time we are supposed to be on the side of Iraq and at the time we were aiding them - no wonder why Sadaam lost trust in us- we betrayed him first.
Also, read Obama's speech- he did the right thing and even stated that he felt he wasn't deserving of it.

Again you act as if Obama is a King- if he wants to do something he has to get CONGRESS to get working- this is not a DICTATORSHIP get that thru your head.

Also, do you think realistically you can bring home over 100,000 troops all at once- you have to withdraw units at a time- people like you expect things to happen over night. You expected all the troops home already- you expected the UE rate to drop down to 4 % in 3 years- please get a reality check.

Also, things that happen in the past greatly affect the present and the future- so I will not ignore the past- it's you who want to forget the Bush years.
jhende3's Avatar
Kitinsa i don't know where are what or how you get any of your info but I'm going to pray for you. I really do feel bad for you and its not all your fault i do blame others, its hard to wade thur a lot of the garbage they have out there. But with help on day you might make it thur.
2 pages of blah,blah,blah mean nothing.....
most,who disagree with Obama,do not hate him.....
Disagreement about policy,with a naive petulant punk,
is not being hateful

As for HATE,there is enough of that flowing from the left,
mostly directed at conservative women.....
Leftists are some fuckin' heroes

If you lived through Jimma Carter (and his fucking sweater),
you would not be comparing Reagan/Obama,
When asked about Jimma's presidential capabilities,
(because Billy Carter seemed to be more intelligent)
Jimma's mother said she pushed Jimma's political career,
because she didn't think he was smart enough to run
the family gas station

Maybe,that is why "King" Barry chose politics,too.
Sittin' around spouting leftist bullshit,
has to be easier than actually working
and producing something---
It does not matter what a leftist says...
just raise the unproductive,non-tax paying rabble.
If someone with intelligence disagrees,
just shout "racist" in a loud indignant manner


Give me a liquor store with vegetables.

Raise taxes.

Close obscene tax credits/loopholes... but don't talk about
the most obscene of all..."THE EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT",
taken by all of Barry's non-producing buddies

Unemployment benefits forever

****************************** ***********
REAGAN "that shining city on the hill"

OBAMA "that shining sucker,to whom we send the bill"

****************************** *********
Of course,all of this political bullshit would be unnecessary,
if the "special 50 %" would get off their COLLECTIVE (as in commie) asses,
and start participating in citizenship,instead of just voting for GUMMENT CHEESE
tttalinky's Avatar
Please don't tell President Obama what comes after a trillion, if he finds out I'm afraid the country will really be in bad shape.

Our only hope over the next two years is to keep him on the golf course as much as possible and away from Washington DC. That's the way Obama handled the Gulf Oil Spill and it seem to fix itself over a 120 day timeframe!

Obama is the worst president we have had to date or ever will have!
Obama is the wrong man at the wrong time when the country needs a true leader and all we have is a "community organizer"
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-24-2011, 04:44 PM
most,who disagree with Obama,do not hate him.....
Disagreement about policy,with a naive petulant punk,
is not being hateful Originally Posted by RichardGozenya
Thanks for putting this at the very beginning. Saved me from wasting my time with the rest of your crap.

Though this did grab my attention:

Of course,all of this political bullshit would be unnecessary,
if the "special 50 %" would get off their COLLECTIVE (as in commie) asses,
and start participating in citizenship,instead of just voting for GUMMENT CHEESE
You're resorting to insulting the elderly and minimum wage earners - so someday are you not only likely to be a commie, you despise the same minimum wage earners that allow you to buy cheap shit at Walmart, allow you to go to a restaurant and pay $7.00 for the nightly special rather than $15, etc etc etc. Many of whom are probably among your friends and family. Assuming you have friends, of course.

There's a naive, petulant punk here, alright, and his name isn't Barack Obama.
jhende3's Avatar
I hear most of these guy talk with such bitterness in their tone about the state of government it makes me wonder if they just woke up out of a coma for the last 20 years. You have a congress hell bent on making sure everything the president wants fails and you wonder why the jobless rate is so high. Your giving tax breaks to people in this country who make more in a day than most people make in a year and you wonder "Why is the debt so high?". I wonder what would happen if everyone would start working together?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-24-2011, 07:39 PM
Of course,all of this political bullshit would be unnecessary,
if the "special 50 %" would get off their COLLECTIVE (as in commie) asses,
and start participating in citizenship,instead of just voting for GUMMENT CHEESE Originally Posted by RichardGozenya
So you do wanna raise taxes?

Make up your mind....are taxes goona kill the recovery or do people need to pay more taxes?

I never understand you Reagan lovers. On one hand you say,''Taxes suc!'', on the other hand you say, "Raise taxes on the poor!"
Perhaps President Obama is due the exact same amount of "slack" from the Republican Congress as Senator Obama gave President Bush.