Encounter: Lyell Road Walker

User ID: -
Date: 6/29/24
Name: Red
Phone: None
Email Address: None
URL / Website: None
City: Rochester
State: -
Address: Gates Motel
Activities: Bj, cfs
Hair Length and Color: Red shoulder length
Age: 24
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Skinny with a nice ass, small boobs
Recommendation: Yes
Nice. I’ve never even seen a walker in Syracuse. I must not be in the right places at the right times. Maybe that should be “wrong” places and times…
Great review and damn ballsy to pick up a SW these days. I’m assuming Lyell Ave is the place for this kinda thing?

Pardon my ignorance, but haven’t lived in the area for several years, but moving back soon.

Btw, what’s her ethnic background? Asking for a friend lol.
She was white. And yeah it’s semi risky but what isn’t with this hobby lol just can’t beat the price. 30 for room 50 for her.
  • kosti
  • 07-02-2024, 10:10 PM
Too risky with SWs and the few seen lately don't look like they are worth that risk.
Same Red that goes by Dani on Skip?
Too risky with SWs and the few seen lately don't look like they are worth that risk. Originally Posted by kosti
Miss the pre internet days of looking for hookers. Certainly some skill involved to spot T gurls, cops and even crazy guys/ boyfriends following you.
SW's are risky yes but these same SW's are advertising on STG. So don't fool yourselves it is less risky. Anything from STG or LC are basically SW's.
Not Dani. This red is good looking hangs out on parkway. A nice heathy weight had some face acne and ghetto for sure. But some times ghetto pussy is the best pussy
Anyone hung out with Erin on Lyell? She's a hot redhead, a little chunky with glasses.About 40. She's been out there 10 years but you would never know it. She's quality in that she knows what she's doing and doesn't steal. She stays near Murray.
Franklin4's Avatar
I was just on lyell early this eve,
it was depressing, the girls were strungout, looking for another fix...
jj999's Avatar
  • jj999
  • 07-04-2024, 09:20 AM
Back in the day. You could find SW’s all over the city and there were so many hot looking ones as well. Also there was always the club on Allen Street! Times definitely changed. I definitely would not indulge now. Anytime I happen to see a SW these days, which is rare, I haven’t seen any that are remotely attractive.
ben dover's Avatar
Fresh out of the shower is NOT an option for street girls so there's that.
showering before appointments?

so 90' s