Get your iPhones and iPads today if you don't already have one!!

AidanRedd's Avatar
So I know this probably shouldn't be posted in co-ed, but mods, please let it ride until Monday, some people might like to know this.

At&t is about to change up the "unlimited data" plan for 3g iphones and ipads.

If you already have it your fine and your grandfathered in. But starting Monday June 7th, At&t won't be offering the unlimited 3g data anymore, data will become like "minutes".

I love my iPhone. I certainly want an iPad. I just can't decide if I want to have the 3g plan on my iPad. If I decide I have to have the 3g plan for the iPad, then I should get it Sunday so I can get the "unlimited" rate.

If you've been thinking about getting an iPhone, better get it Sunday and get in on At&t's current plan before it's too late.

Don't wanna sound like a commercial, just trying to be informative.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 06-06-2010, 07:51 AM
This sounds like a perfectly reasonable Sandbox post, why Coed?