favorite superhero

gman44's Avatar
Who is everyone's favorite superhero?

mine as of now is Spiderman

and to include x-men I'd say Wolverine and Iceman
Hrrmmm....don't really have one, but if I had to pick I would say Batman w/ Captain America and Wolverine being close seconds.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Spiderman for sure.
Schmafty's Avatar
Power Girl

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-16-2010, 01:39 AM
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-16-2010, 01:46 AM
And of course...

Kewl1's Avatar
  • Kewl1
  • 01-16-2010, 07:49 AM
Green Lantern with his trusty side kick Kato
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
gman44's Avatar
Green Lantern with his trusty side kick Kato Originally Posted by Kewl1
Kato is the sidekick off The Green Hornet not Green Lantern
I am wondering how they can make a "Green Hornet" movie and have a credible Kato since no one can replace Bruce Lee??

And Bruce Lee is the closest real person I would consider a "super hero". He trumps any comic book hero I can think of. May not have been a "perfect" person, but there is simply no denying how great a martial artist he was.
gman45's Avatar
I would say Tomb Raider.... Look at those guns...

apocalypse's Avatar
My fave has always been and always will be Superman. Quick question, however. My boss and I have had an ongoing argument for four years now. Who would win in a race between Superman and The Flash? I say Superman.
GneissGuy's Avatar
My fave has always been and always will be Superman. Quick question, however. My boss and I have had an ongoing argument for four years now. Who would win in a race between Superman and The Flash? I say Superman. Originally Posted by apocalypse
Superman vs. Flash footraces have been done several times in the DC universe. IIRC, they're usually depicted as pretty evenly matched.
apocalypse's Avatar
Yeah, GneissGuy. We researched and found a few titles where they raced, but never found anything definitive. I was just wondering.
rCoder's Avatar