As Conservative Republicans We must

winn dixie's Avatar
Move away from the polarizing Trump. Vote out our rinos.
Condemn the idiot musk.
Stop nominating old beltway lifers.
We have a cabal full of younger and better candidates that we better start looking at. desantos aint it! These rising stars are our future if we move away from the normal party politics that have plagued us for years. We have momentum and will have full control after the elections in 22 and 24.
But.. If were not smart and elect the usual same ol same ol. It will be a short lived utopia!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree with you. It's time to turn this country over to leaders who can lead into the future, not the past.

Goes for both parties.

Also time for a strong third party to emerge or a fourth.
one simple rule

that i havent always followed

never vote for an incumbent

but that is only good if everyone did likewise and it aint happening
Move away from the polarizing Trump. Vote out our rinos.
Condemn the idiot musk.
Stop nominating old beltway lifers.
We have a cabal full of younger and better candidates that we better start looking at. desantos aint it! These rising stars are our future if we move away from the normal party politics that have plagued us for years. We have momentum and will have full control after the elections in 22 and 24.
But.. If were not smart and elect the usual same ol same ol. It will be a short lived utopia! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why condemn Musk?
Who are these young leaders you speak of?
Why isnt Desantis the answer.
Since you are a conservative is Jordan, Greene, the NY women whose name eludes me at this time, please tell us who you consider that fills your checklist of viable candidates.

Other than Sinema , what Democrat do you deem worthy of your support?
ICU 812's Avatar
The cult of personality is always a dead end. Effective policy and direct action are what makes the difference.

One of the dictums of the 80s era book, Seven Habits of Effective People by Covy was "Begin With The End In Mind". If returning America to a leading role in world geo-poitics, grow our industrial base, facilitate innovation and so on (think the preamble to The Constitution) . . .then the previous administration was on the right track with policy and administrative action.

"Republican", "Conservative" . . .however you self-identify; what we do is so much more important than any label.

Are there any true "Conservative Republicans" in this community? I mean, seriously.
winn dixie's Avatar
Are there any true "Conservative Republicans" in this community? I mean, seriously. Originally Posted by SecretE
They're out there! But our party wants to keep them in check.
Move away from the polarizing Trump. Vote out our rinos.
Condemn the idiot musk.
Stop nominating old beltway lifers.
We have a cabal full of younger and better candidates that we better start looking at. desantos aint it! These rising stars are our future if we move away from the normal party politics that have plagued us for years. We have momentum and will have full control after the elections in 22 and 24.
But.. If were not smart and elect the usual same ol same ol. It will be a short lived utopia! Originally Posted by winn dixie
winn dixie's Avatar
My dream ticket would be Scott Walker as President and Tulsi Gabbard as V.P..

Never gonna happen because the party wont let it happen!


In politics. The best person for the job hardly ever gets the "job" Just a cold hard truth.
texassapper's Avatar
As Conservative Republicans We must. Move away from the polarizing Trump. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why? He fights. He's only polarizing because the Democrats hate him. Do you think any other Republican that fights for Conservative values is NOT going to be polarizing? Stop being a pussy ass Republican. That's what has gotten us to the point of trannies teaching kindergarten, $5 gas, and BLM free-for-alls.
Vote out our rinos. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why? you just said you don't want anyone polarizing... guess what voting out RINOs would get us... polarizing candidates (which I've already made clear - I'm down for)
Condemn the idiot musk. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why? He's a private citizen and is entitled to his beliefs. We're not like the Communist Democrats... you can have a differing opinion... just don't force me to have to regurgitate and agree with it.
Stop nominating old beltway lifers. Originally Posted by winn dixie
But that's polarizing! Look at Blake Masters or Kari Lake... they aren't insiders and are polarizing... pick one or the other... but understand the Republican leadership is WORKING with the Democrats to destroy your rights and freedoms. If you want to fight them... it's going to be polarizing.
We have a cabal full of younger and better candidates that we better start looking at. desantos aint it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why? Why is De Santis NOT it? specifics please.
These rising stars are our future if we move away from the normal party politics that have plagued us for years. We have momentum and will have full control after the elections in 22 and 24. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Pablum. You're not saying jack all here. momentum? what the F are you talking about? What rising stars?
But.. If were not smart and elect the usual same ol same ol. It will be a short lived utopia! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You're not really Conservative... you're People magazine conservative. You want the Democrat approved Republicans which is how we get the RINOs.

You're simply muddled in your thinking. Do better if you're a real Conservative.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-13-2022, 01:13 PM
Why? He fights. He's only polarizing because the Democrats hate him. Do you think any other Republican that fights for Conservative values is NOT going to be polarizing? Stop being a pussy ass Republican. That's what has gotten us to the point of trannies teaching kindergarten, $5 gas, and BLM free-for-alls.
Why? you just said you don't want anyone polarizing... guess what voting out RINOs would get us... polarizing candidates (which I've already made clear - I'm down for)
Why? He's a private citizen and is entitled to his beliefs. We're not like the Communist Democrats... you can have a differing opinion... just don't force me to have to regurgitate and agree with it.
But that's polarizing! Look at Blake Masters or Kari Lake... they aren't insiders and are polarizing... pick one or the other... but understand the Republican leadership is WORKING with the Democrats to destroy your rights and freedoms. If you want to fight them... it's going to be polarizing.
Why? Why is De Santis NOT it? specifics please.
Pablum. You're not saying jack all here. momentum? what the F are you talking about? What rising stars?
You're not really Conservative... you're People magazine conservative. You want the Democrat approved Republicans which is how we get the RINOs.

You're simply muddled in your thinking. Do better if you're a real Conservative. Originally Posted by texassapper
What fucking idiot thinks Trump is a Conserative after piling up 8 TRILLION worth of debt in 4 years!

Can we all agree that Trillion dollar deficits automatically kicks you out of the running as a Conservative?
winn dixie's Avatar
Why? He fights. He's only polarizing because the Democrats hate him. Do you think any other Republican that fights for Conservative values is NOT going to be polarizing? Stop being a pussy ass Republican. That's what has gotten us to the point of trannies teaching kindergarten, $5 gas, and BLM free-for-alls.
Why? you just said you don't want anyone polarizing... guess what voting out RINOs would get us... polarizing candidates (which I've already made clear - I'm down for)
Why? He's a private citizen and is entitled to his beliefs. We're not like the Communist Democrats... you can have a differing opinion... just don't force me to have to regurgitate and agree with it.
But that's polarizing! Look at Blake Masters or Kari Lake... they aren't insiders and are polarizing... pick one or the other... but understand the Republican leadership is WORKING with the Democrats to destroy your rights and freedoms. If you want to fight them... it's going to be polarizing.
Why? Why is De Santis NOT it? specifics please.
Pablum. You're not saying jack all here. momentum? what the F are you talking about? What rising stars?
You're not really Conservative... you're People magazine conservative. You want the Democrat approved Republicans which is how we get the RINOs.

You're simply muddled in your thinking. Do better if you're a real Conservative. Originally Posted by texassapper
Thats your opinion. You aint getting what im saying. Thats ok. All your questions are self explanatory. Its the status que Republicans thats the problem. desantos is who the party is telling you to vote for. Dont be naive. Hes a slime ball.
texassapper's Avatar
desantos is who the party is telling you to vote for. Dont be naive. Hes a slime ball. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sounds like an opinion too... sources for the fact that the Party Leadership are advocating for DeSantis? Source for him being a "slime ball"?

The party leadership wants more JEB!, Romney, or Ryan type losers.

The only Conservative that comes close to DeSantis is Cruz and he's not a Governor... he's a Senator. He has less executive experience than DeSantis. And again... DeSantis is actually taking the fight to the Commietards. Cruz just talks a good game, but doesn't get much done.
winn dixie's Avatar
Im a Reagan Republican. Hes one of the 3 greatest Presidents weve ever had. Any other labels aint gonna stick on me.
But Reagan being one of my idols doesnt mean i agree with everything he did and said.
You people who tow the party line ARE the problem.
Think for yourselves. This is how the Republican party should differ from the libs..
winn dixie's Avatar
desantos is a snake oil salesman! Hes all talk. His political apex has been reached. If he gets the nomination. Im sittin OUT!