Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

The notoriously verbose, eloquent cocksucker and throat puncher - Dorthy (Dorothy) Monroe is now reportedly unavailable for pay for play.

While I wish the eloquent gunt of a provider well, I would like to take an informal wager on when she'll drop the mop, I mean microscope, and return to fucking you fat fucks for money.

Best wishes, Dorthy - may you, your man handles, WKs, and new provider handle do well in your future endeavors.


TravelingGentleman's Avatar

I've been out of the country for a month - what happened? All the juicy gossip!
strongbad's Avatar
I could see Dorthy living on the street, broke and homeless but still refusing to come back to the hobby just so us mitches didn't get the satisfaction of saying I told you so. I heard she quit because she found a job posting "Wanted: Person needed to punch throats. Experience necessary ."
black sunshine's Avatar
NCNS rates in Houston just dropped 80%.
Long nose's Avatar
NCNS rates in Houston just dropped 80%. Originally Posted by black sunshine
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-03-2015, 07:58 AM
She's gone?
At first glance it appears she is gone. But in reality if you read closely she is just no longer offering NC/NS specials to tards she has never seen before...
black sunshine's Avatar
At first glance it appears she is gone. But in reality if you read closely she is just no longer offering NC/NS specials to tards she has never seen before... Originally Posted by SNL9933

After Sunday August 2nd I Will No Longer Be Seeing Any Clients* Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
What???? Originally Posted by black sunshine
Ahhh good catch...the first line said "not seeing any new clients" but that was for her last ad I suppose....doesn't matter to me either way.
It means some of us will still get throat punched while new ones will get denied but still possibly called a fucktard.

Just wanted to add one for you Space Cowboy.....lol
bojulay's Avatar
Who cares??

Where is that hot little redheaded no MSOG girl??
When will she be back??
What day is her car payment due?
Think what you want about DM, I kinda liked her spunky attitude. It was entertaining if nothing else.
Maybe she'll be back maybe she won't.
Maybe she got enough bank to retire? With enough regulars to supplement her RW job, she might just stay UTR.
Whatever the case, I wish her well.
All the DM haters just gonna have to find someone else to hate on now, that's all. Nothings changed, just the names and faces...