A text from a friend.

Crystal West's Avatar
I shared this in the Denver section. I forgot how slow it is there. Warning if you are not ready to laugh this post is not for you...

This came from a RW friend via text

The Friend:
So I'm at Wal-Mart of all places buying a 50 lb bag of dog food for my for my brother's dog. While in line the woman behind me asked if I had a dog. Why else would I be buying dog food Right?? So you know me being a smart ass, I told her No, I do not have a dog, I am starting the Dog Food Diet again. I probably shouldn't because I ended up in the hospital the last time, but I did lose 50 lbs prior to waking up in the ICU with tubes in both ends and Iv's in both arms. I told her that is is the perfect diet all you do is load your pockets with the dog food and eat one or two nuggets every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I want to try it again. (my rw name) I have to tell you at this point everyone around us was now in thralled with my story.
Horrified the lady asked me if I ended up in the ICU because of poison from the dog food. I sarcastically told her NO, I was in the ICU because I stepped off the curb to sniff a poodle's ass and a car hit me.

Now I'm at the DMV renewing my DL when I get this and I am trying not to laugh because I can see this friend honestly doing this. This is a friend that tells visitor's to Wyoming that snow fences there are actually seats for antelope races and to call the sheriff's department ask for records to buy tickets.

After my response of "You asshole I hope she slapped you"

His next text said this was something he found on FB and decided to pass it on...

It does make for a good laugh so thought I would share it here in hopes it makes even one person giggle. Yep I have friends who normal doesn't apply to at all in life..
OMG....I haven't stopped laughing ������
I saw this on FB as well. One of the funniest posts I've ever read.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... that snow fences there are actually seats for antelope races ..... Originally Posted by Crystal West
Snow fences in Kansas are to keep large frozen tumbleweeds from dining on cars at the asphalt dinner stip 70.
Thanks Crystal that was great. I'm laughing and trying to type at the same time. I have to keep backing up and retype words to spell them right. I'll use that on my Mom.
Crystal West's Avatar
I knew he didn't come up with that himself lol.
Funny as hell! Thanks
StaceyMay's Avatar
I have seen this before- but it still makes me laugh. Good share!