I want to caution you. The following is heart breaking.
Have you ever had a squirrel run out in front of your vehicle for no reason? It is not by chance that this happens on a regular basis.
Suicide has become much more common in squirrels than it used to be. The preferred method is running out in front of cars. This is happening at an unprecedented level. They do sometimes jump off tall trees but they prefer the car method.
These are some alarming facts in the USA. For squirrels under age the age 15 months 1 in 4 will try to take their own life and 35% will be successful. For those squirrels between 15 and 36 months 75% will attempt it and sadly 50% of those are successful.
Why the sudden increase? I'm not sure but I hope that we can have a very informative discussion.
Does KC have a big problem with squirrel suicide like we do in Texas?
We have to do something about this. Squirrels are cute and must be protected so they can be treated with meds and intensive therapy.
I must warn you. The following link is very graphic.