Breaking News Presentation

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Bob comes home from a very long day at work to find his wife greeting him at the door with a big smile.

She asked him if he'd ever seen a crumpled $20 bill. Curious about where this was going he said "no".

She very seductively unbuttoned the top of her blouse and slowly reached behind her bra and pulled out a crumpled $20 bill. Bob smiled and gave her a kiss.

Then she asked if he had ever seen a $100 all crumpled up. Bob was liking this game and said "no".

She then dropped her dress and reached carefully inside her panties keeping her eyes locked on Bob's eyes. Bob was getting excited. She pulled out a crumpled $100 bill.

Then she asked if Bob had ever seen $30,000 all crumpled up. Bob was pretty excited now and in anticipation of what she would do next said "no".

She said "go look in the garage".
That's clearly not funny.
Great...Nice post..!!

Nice post babe