It wasn't the Confederate flag, it was a FBI screw up

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, the FBI admits that there was some screwup with the paperwork on Dylan Roof. Roof, if you've forgotten, is the Charleston shooter who put the spotlight on the Confederate flag and Gold's Gym. Anyway, the FBI says that an arrest and admission of drug possession would have prevented the sale but the examiner didn't have access to that data.

So the Confederate flag is not at fault, nor is Gold's Gym, it is the FBI's data sharing base.

LMAO, no it was not a bureacratic screw up, it WAS the Confederate flag that caused it all. After all, why take the thing down with pomp and circumstance if it didn't do anything. So we had another lynching down south and it was the Confederate flag that was hung out to dry.

So we end up with a whole lot of things to blame; the Confederate flag, Gold's Gym, Glock, the gun store who sold the gun, Roof's father, or the FBI....oh yeah, Dylann Roof is also to blame.
You forgot the DA who didn't call back, was it a republican? The three day waiting period ran out.
Okay, the FBI admits that there was some screwup with the paperwork on Dylan Roof. Roof, if you've forgotten, is the Charleston shooter who put the spotlight on the Confederate flag and Gold's Gym. Anyway, the FBI says that an arrest and admission of drug possession would have prevented the sale but the examiner didn't have access to that data.

So the Confederate flag is not at fault, nor is Gold's Gym, it is the FBI's data sharing base.

LMAO, no it was not a bureacratic screw up, it WAS the Confederate flag that caused it all. After all, why take the thing down with pomp and circumstance if it didn't do anything. So we had another lynching down south and it was the Confederate flag that was hung out to dry.

So we end up with a whole lot of things to blame; the Confederate flag, Gold's Gym, Glock, the gun store who sold the gun, Roof's father, or the FBI....oh yeah, Dylann Roof is also to blame. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nice try mope. The FBI snafu only let him get his hands on gun.

It doesn't explain the hatred that drove him to shoot in the first place.

And THAT rests squarely on his racist upbringing and surroundings. And, a big part of THAT is represented by the Confederate flag.

I don't see a whole lot of Quakers flying the Stars and Bars.

Remember that line "Not every Muslim is a terrorist. But nearly every terrorist is a Muslim." I sure YOU agree with that.

Try to re-purpose that line this way

"Not every person who supports the Confederate flag is a racist. But nearly every racist supports the Confederate flag."

See how that works?

I don't want Confederate flags on government property any more than I want sharia law sympathizers working in government.

I don't want Confederate flags on government property any more than I want sharia law sympathizers working in government. Originally Posted by ExNYer
But you voted for Obama and he is the muslim brotherhood sharia loving president of the USA.

Yea, it's over...
But you voted for Obama and he is the muslim brotherhood sharia loving president of the USA. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Do you have any actual, you know, FACTS to back up that drivel?

And InfoWars webpages don't count as facts. Those are "facts". fucking on.

Nice try mope. The FBI snafu only let him get his hands on gun.

It doesn't explain the hatred that drove him to shoot in the first place.

And THAT rests squarely on his racist upbringing and surroundings. And, a big part of THAT is represented by the Confederate flag.

I don't see a whole lot of Quakers flying the Stars and Bars.

Remember that line "Not every Muslim is a terrorist. But nearly every terrorist is a Muslim." I sure YOU agree with that.

Try to re-purpose that line this way

"Not every person who supports the Confederate flag is a racist. But nearly every racist supports the Confederate flag."

See how that works?

I don't want Confederate flags on government property any more than I want sharia law sympathizers working in government. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Do you have any actual, you know, FACTS to back up that drivel?

And InfoWars webpages don't count as facts. Those are "facts". Originally Posted by ExNYer
Change that "those are facts" to "those aren't facts" just trying to help ya out.

Change that "those are facts" to "those aren't facts" just trying to help ya out.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He put 'facts' like that because he was being facetious. Of course they aren't facts. It's like using air quotes. fucking on. Originally Posted by timpage
Agreed. Dead on.
Nice try mope. The FBI snafu only let him get his hands on gun.

It doesn't explain the hatred that drove him to shoot in the first place.

And THAT rests squarely on his racist upbringing and surroundings. And, a big part of THAT is represented by the Confederate flag.

I don't see a whole lot of Quakers flying the Stars and Bars.

Remember that line "Not every Muslim is a terrorist. But nearly every terrorist is a Muslim." I sure YOU agree with that.

Try to re-purpose that line this way

"Not every person who supports the Confederate flag is a racist. But nearly every racist supports the Confederate flag."

See how that works?

I don't want Confederate flags on government property any more than I want sharia law sympathizers working in government. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The simplistic level at which JDs mind works, is confounding. The FBI screwed up, allowing him to get a gun, so the flag is no longer at fault. How in the name of Zeus' butthole do you get from one side of that to the other, in a rational mind? I don't know how to do it. It's an idiocy that I'm not familiar with. A stupidity that defies any rational attempts at being understood. JD, you're a real dumbass, son. You keep eating those retard sandwiches though. Don't you change a thing.
I don't want Confederate flags on government property any more than I want sharia law sympathizers working in government. Originally Posted by ExNYer
As I posted many times before, it was only ONE flag and it was flying at a Civil War Memorial.

You don't want sharia law sympathizers working in government? We have dedicated Muslim prayer rooms in our building and we're a private enterprise. I'm sure the city of Houston has a hundred Muslims working for them right now that would love to have sharia law enacted. Dallas too.

The Feds screwed up. This tells thousands of criminals that the govt will allow you to buy a gun. So explain to me how one flag and the "surroundings" drove this kid to do what he did exNYer?

Millions of people listen to Freebird everyday and nobody's got lynched.
As I posted many times before, it was only ONE flag and it was flying at a Civil War Memorial.

You don't want sharia law sympathizers working in government? We have dedicated Muslim prayer rooms in our building and we're a private enterprise. I'm sure the city of Houston has a hundred Muslims working for them right now that would love to have sharia law enacted. Dallas too.

The Feds screwed up. This tells thousands of criminals that the govt will allow you to buy a gun. So explain to me how one flag and the "surroundings" drove this kid to do what he did exNYer?

Millions of people listen to Freebird everyday and nobody's got lynched. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Don't bother looking up what state took down their flag first.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The simplistic level at which JDs mind works, is confounding. The FBI screwed up, allowing him to get a gun, so the flag is no longer at fault. How in the name of Zeus' butthole do you get from one side of that to the other, in a rational mind? I don't know how to do it. It's an idiocy that I'm not familiar with. A stupidity that defies any rational attempts at being understood. JD, you're a real dumbass, son. You keep eating those retard sandwiches though. Don't you change a thing. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You and your ilk are the simplistic assholes that imagined the flag WAS at fault, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nice try mope. The FBI snafu only let him get his hands on gun.

It doesn't explain the hatred that drove him to shoot in the first place.

And THAT rests squarely on his racist upbringing and surroundings. And, a big part of THAT is represented by the Confederate flag.

I don't see a whole lot of Quakers flying the Stars and Bars.

Remember that line "Not every Muslim is a terrorist. But nearly every terrorist is a Muslim." I sure YOU agree with that.

Try to re-purpose that line this way

"Not every person who supports the Confederate flag is a racist. But nearly every racist supports the Confederate flag."

See how that works?

I don't want Confederate flags on government property any more than I want sharia law sympathizers working in government. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I never saw a Confederate flag at a Hitler rally. How do you explain that? Plus, Quakers don't serve in the military (except under extraordinary circumstances) so it is really a bullshit comparison
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The simplistic level at which JDs mind works, is confounding. The FBI screwed up, allowing him to get a gun, so the flag is no longer at fault. How in the name of Zeus' butthole do you get from one side of that to the other, in a rational mind? I don't know how to do it. It's an idiocy that I'm not familiar with. A stupidity that defies any rational attempts at being understood. JD, you're a real dumbass, son. You keep eating those retard sandwiches though. Don't you change a thing. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No sense of humor, no brains, what else are you missing? You know you agree with some of the stupidest things. You are a true liberal. You'll believe in two impossible, and diametrically opposed, things because your party told you to.
I was not aware that Zeus had a butthole but I bow to your vast experience of buttholes. (did you ever hear of any of the gods every having to take a dump?)