How many times have you seen it?

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-01-2015, 02:31 PM
A Hoogar announces that shes leaving, and you have ONE LAST CHANCE to tap that ass before she leaves to pursue her lifes dreams & makes her fortune.

This generates a flurry of activity, she is fucking & sucking at a record pace & banking all that Hoggar cash...

We are given countdowns as she packs her bags, finishes her local affairs & prepares for that cruise into the eternal sunset of happiness...

But then...sadly for her...there is a life event. A Grandma dies. or a car breaks down, or the rent comes due...and VIOLA! She never moved (or is back visiting for a short time)


This drives some mild interest, cause everybody got on that "last Pussy to Clarksville" train the last time and it wasn't that great...but, there is a slight uptick in visits & concurrent revenue...

Through the miracle of Hoogar Math, we've come up with the "Fading Hoogar Retirement Chart" to show how interest peaks and dwindles over initial & subsequent retirement forays.

This is exactly why I won't announce my retirement when it happens. Fuck that noise. I'll just disappear like a fart in the wind. There will be "What happened to Claire?" threads with "thank god that old loudmouth cunt is finally gone!" posts.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 08-01-2015, 05:50 PM
This is exactly why I won't announce my retirement when it happens. Fuck that noise. I'll just disappear like a fart in the wind. There will be "What happened to Claire?" threads with "thank god that old loudmouth cunt is finally gone!" posts. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
That's funny!
This is exactly why I won't announce my retirement when it happens. Fuck that noise. I'll just disappear like a fart in the wind. There will be "What happened to Claire?" threads with "thank god that old loudmouth cunt is finally gone!" posts. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

Did someone call me?
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
The best disappearing acts are the ones you can't see.

playingnthedark's Avatar
No Hooker in her right mind would do that...............
Deznuttz's Avatar
This is exactly why I won't announce my retirement when it happens. Fuck that noise. I'll just disappear like a fart in the wind. There will be "What happened to Claire?" threads with "thank god that old loudmouth cunt is finally gone!" posts. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

And when someone does ask about you, jennslolli will enjoy getting on their ass for asking.
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 08-02-2015, 03:31 PM
Mary Sue Rottencrotch is back again?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-02-2015, 03:49 PM
Mary Sue Rottencrotch is back again? Originally Posted by tzv13
Yes Mary Sue.

Shes been haunting me since high school the night she pulled a train with the entire football team out behind the bleachers & I was sloppy 13...

Mary Sue.

Who has retired more times than Michael Jordan & has an equally devastating cross over dribble...

Mary Sue.

Whos rates are less stable than Knotty Mans erections...

THAT Mary Sue. (Shes actually adopted, her given name was Cumcatcher).
I've probably come out of retirement more often than any provided out there. Longest was 6 mos. Average is about a month. In fact I'm retired right now. Oh, any new hotties out there? Just Looking... No relation to Still Looking ...
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 08-02-2015, 08:47 PM
Yes Mary Sue.

Shes been haunting me since high school the night she pulled a train with the entire football team out behind the bleachers & I was sloppy 13...

Mary Sue.

Who has retired more times than Michael Jordan & has an equally devastating cross over dribble...

Mary Sue.

Whos rates are less stable than Knotty Mans erections...

THAT Mary Sue. (Shes actually adopted, her given name was Cumcatcher). Originally Posted by Toyz

I'm so glad she's back. After the 3rd time she retired last month I thought for sure she was gone for good. I don't remember how many times she retired before, but 3 times in a month really made me take notice.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-02-2015, 09:07 PM
I've probably come out of retirement more often than any provided out there. Longest was 6 mos. Average is about a month. In fact I'm retired right now. Oh, any new hotties out there? Just Looking... No relation to Still Looking ... Originally Posted by ab1500
I actually took close to a year off once. Now I've just decided fuck it, its one of my favorite hobbies why deny it if I enjoy it? As long as I can keep it in moderation & in the proper perspective I'll continue to hang around.

The forums here are entertaining with some interesting personalities on both sides of the hobby.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-02-2015, 09:09 PM
I'm so glad she's back. After the 3rd time she retired last month I thought for sure she was gone for good. I don't remember how many times she retired before, but 3 times in a month really made me take notice. Originally Posted by tzv13

I too was wondering "whatever will I do without Mary Sue"?

Shes retired so many times & is receiving eccie retirement benefits as it is.
RandB fan's Avatar
I'd bet that the retirement benefit package from ECCIE sucks and with that I would never visit a HOOGER that has announced retirement. If a provider I frequented said she was moving on in private I would hope that she would remember who brung her where she is and not be looking for a paydate but maybe a "thanks for all you helped me become" encounter. This happened to me a long time ago..... I met a long term provider for drinks one evening and got a retirement blowjob in the restroom. I'll never forget the experience!!!!

Tell the world you are retiring than the world should send you off in a boat with no paddles.

Just my opinion...Yours doesn't matter IMHO!!!!!!!!!

If had a free session every time a Provider retired and came back, I would fuk for free twice a month for eternity!!