Beautiful Blonde coming for a visit! Wanted to say hello and get some advice!

Svetlana Ninkovich's Avatar

Hello everyone, I’m coming to SA for a visit to see my friend Avery! She told me about SA and how wonderful it is there she also spoke highly of you all shared how well she has been treated!

I’ve been following my friends post so I’ve got the wine bars and Japanese restaurants nailed down!

But do you guys have any suggestions on the best place to get Italian food?? Pasta freak here!!

Thanks In advance! Looking forward to meeting some of you guys let’s go grab some wine!!

Feel free to reach out!

MrTex1959's Avatar
Paesanos is good.(my favorite)

Little Italy also good
hatecoldwater's Avatar
wow! hope you stay a while, lots of great places here
SpursFan's Avatar
G U L P!

myren1900's Avatar
Peasano’s Riverwalk is in a nice setting. Guillermo’ s is good too.

When will you visit your friend Avery ?

Dough has good pizza and other Italian things. There are two locations.
Rossboss's Avatar
Get on, then get your pasta