I got The Shots: So What?

ICU 812's Avatar
So I got the Shots: So What?

back in March of 2021, I hustled around to get the first and second vaccinations as soon as I was legible. Retired and over the age of seventy, that put me in a second or third tier of priority . . .who remembers exactly what ther priority was now And it was thought that we were now able to \re-enter a normal way of life: not just yet, but as soon as most everyone else was also vaccinated. Our son and his family got their shots a bit later on. We visited the grnd kids.

Now its all upside down again. Both parents and one of the grandchildren developed symptoms ass bad as any flue I've ever seen, and I go back to the "Hong Kong Flue" of the early 1970s. They are all better now, but: The oldest grandchild never got it (yet). Asymptomatic? He was tested several times and has come up negative . . .so he can still get it . . .and so can we. But at age seventy, I don't think I could face anything on the level of the Hong Kong Flue again.

So there e are. It seems that having recovered from infectioln is better protection than having had the shots. Yet the shots are said to lessen the severity of the symptoms. We are all still vulnerable to infection, unless we have already had it and survived. Even with the so-called vaccine, its a severe bout of illness with grave possibilities for older patients. Looks like our only hope of returning to a normal life is for everyone to get it, and yet: Now it seems that the government is supressing any serious research on post infection therapeutic treatments or the application of those that have been shown to work.
  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2021, 07:45 AM
ICU - I support your right to make your own medical decisions on your own care.

You summarize teh vaccine FACTS Well!

Yet the marxist mandating Feds DPST party do love their Control of teh Peoples using teh vaccine ecuse - and will never give it up voluntarily
for example - NY gov Hochul now mandates masks for 2-YEAR OLDS!!!!

and they pay no attetntion to the medical science of those previously infected - who have better immunity - and required injections willly -nilly in disregard to teh Person's Right to direct their own medical care.

It is marxist lockstep jackboot Control - or we (DPSTs) will hurt you badly!
Comply or else - the mantra of teh communist revolutionary DPSTs
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ agreed , and yes the suppression and censorship is real stopping any real informed consent ,almost all information that doesn't if the narrative is behind " paywalls" or you have to "look on duck duck go several pages in.
This is all about using Fear for control of the masses and socialized medicine .