Discretion in Public!!!

If by chance you meet one of your private companions in public, what should be done to maintain discretion?

Well, just today I had this typical experience for the first time at a Gas Station. I was then just coming out from the gas station, suddenly I saw one lady whom I have met already in private. She was alone, came down from her car and went inside. For a fraction of second I could not hold back my natural reflection and looked at her, but then moved my head to other direction. I am quite sure she would have looked at me too.

But we did not smile and nor even I acknowledged her. Instead I went inside my car and drove away. That was quite awkward moment, but the reaction was not intentional.

I do not know, may be that lady would have thought me indecent and felt ire about me.

I just wanted to share this experience and hear more from others about their thoughts on this.

What best could be done under such circumstances?
It just depends on situation. If you are alone and not with family or wife then I think it is ok to acknowledge your acquaintance. She is a person, not a demon.
I tend to drop my pants and say "Remember me?"

If you feel akward about it and think you will see her again, just send her a quick note and mention you think you saw her and that you didnt know what to do.

I am a relatively similar age to most of the girls I have seen an currently a single guy. On my side I dont have to worry, but I dont think I would do anything more then a simple smile and a hello incase she is not in a place to be seen talking to me. That way if she is free to talk, we can. If not, it is some guy flirting with an attractive girl.
bp6570's Avatar
I had this happen once. I was at the gym running on the treadmill & a lady I had recently seen was on the stair climber adjacent to me. My wife was on the tread mill next to me. It had not been more than a couple of weeks since we had seen each other. I could tell she recognized me but we played it cool. It was a very weird experience. I saw her a couple of weeks later & we laughed about it but I never saw her at the gym again. Think she dropped her membership.
Well I don't think you just take into account whether it is OK to do anything just, given what your situation is....you need to be just as aware of whether she is cool with it.

Make a low-key eye contact with her, even if she is alone...if you're not getting anything back in return...be cool about it and move along silently
malwoody's Avatar
Just say hey..had a great time and looking foward to our next date..

Don't you idiots know anything...sheesh..

i am single... so if someone recognizes me.. they can say hi! But if i see someone i recognize.. i dont care if i THINK he is alone.. I will not say a word. I may smile.. but i smile at strangers. Too risky that someone he knows or the SO or family could be in the car or close by... so i treat everyone i see... like their SO is watching.
If I see someone who I hobby with in my town she is lost.
No wave, no look, no smile, no casual glance. If you are alone, you don't have to worry, so its ok? We have family too. We have friends, we have significant others, we have lives.

You don't know if greeting her in public could be an issue for her or not because you are not psychic. Therefore ALWAYS, ALWAYS assume that she is just as concerned about her discretion as you. Later on, send her a note or call her if you want so you can acknowledge that you saw her, but never do so in public.
I have ran into clients in public several times. One time I was with my daughter waiting at the DMV when a client and his wife sat down next to us. he looked extremely uncomfortable. I never had a problem until 3 weeks ago at the City Market. I was with a family member when a client started shouting out my name while walking towards me. He approached and shook my hand. This was awkward and very uncomfortable for me. He doesn't think he did anything wrong. I was clearly not alone and he should have never approached me.
Stacy - that's exactly what I"m talking about. Just because he's alone doesn't mean you are, and we have every right to expect the same discretion that is expected of us. I was approached while at the Renn Fest once with my family. My nieces were standing right beside me while Mr. Einstein started walking right up to me. I gave him a look that would curdle milk and turned my back on him.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
I gave him a look that would curdle milk and turned my back on him. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Heh heh. She said, "Milk." Heh heh.
noleftturn's Avatar
Both StacyKC and Stacy SOTF these were former clients, right?
I think this is an important discussion and the comments have raised my awareness with this matter. Once I saw two providers together coming out of a Price Chopper. No crap, they had this glow about them - like an aura, but I digress. They walked past me, I stopped, and greeted them. I'd seen both, so I thought it was no big deal and it wasn't. After what I've read here, I'll just let the moment pass next time and call or text later about it. It IS weird though seeing them beyond the fantasy realm in REAL life, however.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
If you're alone and she's alone, a smile is fine. If she's not alone then ignore her completely.