Sorry for going AWOL the past few weeks!

Hey guys, I've been pretty much AWOL for about the last 2-3 weeks, and I know I've missed several emails, calls, and voice mails in that time.

I had some unexpected family health issues come up and have been playing host to out of town family for the past week, and driving between two different hospitals. Needless to say, its been pretty stressful and hectic for the last couple of weeks.

The good news though, is that both family members are now out of the hospital, out of town guests are gone, and I am ready for things to get back to normal.

So, if you've been trying to get ahold of me and haven't been able to, I apologize! Sometimes we just have to take what life hands us and smile our way through it no matter what. But I have to admit, a little stress relief would be very welcome right now!
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Stacy, I'm glad things are looking up for you and I hope the stress remains at a minimal level.
DallasRain's Avatar
I hope all is well with you my friend! Good peaceful karma towards you!
malwoody's Avatar
Yes life does happen Stacy and it's great that the results were positive. I'm sure your family members were glad they had your help and guidence.
KCQuestor's Avatar
it's great that the results were positive. Originally Posted by malwoody
Not often that people in this hobby get to use those words, huh Malwoody?

Welcome back, Stacy!
Family can't be replaced.. appointments can be made up!! Welcome back
Thanks everyone for the kind words! Its good to be back
The DarkSide's Avatar
Welcome back Sins! Sorry to hear about your issues, but glad everything is good!
malwoody's Avatar
Not often that people in this hobby get to use those words, huh Malwoody?

Welcome back, Stacy! Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Q, I keep wanting to answer but I'm not sure how..
Possibly it's the hour, or the GT or the fact that I had to get up at 4:00 AM
to travel to another city and have had very little sleep but I must implore you
to splain it a little further oh learned one..

At your leisure of course,
KCQuestor's Avatar
"it's great that the results were positive."

Usually when we take tests that involve the hobby we want the results to be negative. Positive is bad news.

Dumb joke. If it has to be explained it obviously wasn't funny.
malwoody's Avatar
"it's great that the results were positive."

Usually when we take tests that involve the hobby we want the results to be negative. Positive is bad news.

Dumb joke. If it has to be explained it obviously wasn't funny. Originally Posted by KCQuestor
No not really, my current condition predicates why I didn't get it..

Subtle humor at its finest by the master Q.....LOL