To be or not to....attire in an appt

This is directly to the hr to or maybe couple hr appt. Do the gents like being greeted with the girls in some sexy revealing lingerire? Or woukd you rather she be casually dressed? I realize other factors may come inti play..i.e an out to a hotel where some demure and not attention getting is a better fix, but as you make first contact>>>in a room, a residence, anything behind cloesed doors, wouldn't you rather have some hot sex vixen waiting to ravage you scantily clad?

I love dressing for my gents (incall of course) in lingerie and heels and meet them at the door just like that;kind of gets the mood started.

But would love feedback on what everyone like?
I love the way you dress. I think in an incall the lingerie will help ease the tension with new encounters.
CheerZiggy's Avatar
I think your thoughts are right on target.........
lionheart's Avatar
Sexy lingerie is hard to beat, but OTOH it's quite sexy imagining what lies beneath while you're casually conversing, as you feel the tension rise. Not only that, but there's just something about watching a beautiful woman slowly undress that just gets me every damn time! Wow, just thinking about it......yummy!
thetilly's Avatar
For an incall, you can't beat sexy lingerie. But four an out call, I understand the need to dress so as not to attract attention. Now, that being said, casual can be very sexy, or not so sexy. Not that I have a foot fetish, but I believe that taking the time to pick out your shoes makes a difference. I am not going to name any names, but I once had an outcall, that showed up dressed casual, still looked great. As I looked her up and down, the flip flops just didn't work for me. Had she just put on a nice set of heels after she parked, I believe it would have made her look just that much better. Ashley, I have never been disappointed by the way you were dressed when you greeted me at your door.
Mickey's Avatar
I definitly like the high heels and sexy lingerie, it's a big turn on for me. T-shirt and baggy shorts (go to the gym look) just don't do it for me.
Would like to know if the ladies read our p411 profiles to see what we like when booking appointments through p411?

Ashley, you look hot and have good reviews. I hope to meet you in the future.
mainiacman007's Avatar
The way the ladies present themselves in their showcases or web pages is why I am interested in the first place. If they are all bound up in leather and lace and high heeled boots up to thigh that is why I book at their incall. Then they answer the door in sweats and rag-a-muffin house shoes. What is the point.
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 06-21-2010, 10:50 AM
The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. ~Mark Twain

A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together. ~James H. Boren

If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies.... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it. ~Albert Einstein

Just around the corner in every woman's mind - is a lovely dress, a wonderful suit, or entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her. ~Wilhela Cushman

Every time a woman leaves off something she looks better, but every time a man leaves off something he looks worse. ~Will Rogers

A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you. ~Françoise Sagan

And now my favorite:
People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. ~Lee Mildon

And Ashley - you have one magnificent smile!
I LOVE getting dressed for sssions! Love the heels and lingerie and toys, etc!!

Purple Tang, Tilly and Twain.....THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!

@Mickey, thank you and also would like to add that I, personally do read P411 profiles. It helps you get an idea of what the gent likes/doesn't like and perhaps the attire (lack of expectations). I think it's important to read the profile, you all take time to read ours; we should show the same courtesy. Look forward to meeting you one day as well!!

Speaking of reading profiles, Lionheart--if I remember corectly..teeheehee, here ya go:
^^ Ok, hijackng the thread a bit...I have no idea why that pic has a watermark of my name. Lol. That obviously isnt me, but sure wouldnt mind being her twin.
lionheart's Avatar
Woohoo! Don't know who she is but, yep, she's got the proper attire! Wonder if she's italian?? Thanks, Ash!
Wonder if she's italian?? Thanks, Ash! Originally Posted by lionheart
U never know !!
DustyJay's Avatar
Sexy lingerie is always nice. Sometimes a sexy, cute outfit is a sure winner. It's nice that some ladies do take requests and don't be afraid to accessorize. Except I'll bet most are interested in those other accessories.
Wow Ashley you read my mind on recent issue as to what should I wear?!? I used to wear very sexy and different lingerie all the time but I thought maybe that takes the surprise out of it. So I have been mixing things up lately...sometimes a cute baby-t with cut off shorts...sometimes a towel with we hair...sometimes a dress and heels...

And to answer you for myself I do read gents p411 profiles most of the time. But I have seen a certain friend several times I like to mix things up

Ashley awesome job on the thread! XoXo

And ya know I must say as for you gents well as far as I go anyway don't be shy to tell me what to wear I love when you are specific I want to please you as do most of us girls
Thanks, Bailey!!