The DEI joke exposed

berryberry's Avatar
Uber puts Asian diversity chief on leave over 'Don't Call Me Karen' sessions exploring 'white women's experience'

Uber's Chief Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer, Bo Young Lee, was recently placed on leave after she moderated an event for employees titled "Don't Call Me Karen," which employees complained was "triggering."

The New York Times reports that Uber’s chief people officer, Nikki Krishnamurthy, and chief executive, Dara Khosrowshahi, sent an email Thursday to staff and announced they had asked Young "to step back and take a leave of absence while we determine next steps."

The first "Don't Call Me Karen" session happened in April and was billed as an opportunity to explore "the 'Karen persona'" and dive "into the spectrum of the American white woman’s experience." The second session took place via Zoom last week.

Lee, who started working for Uber in 2018, arranged the sessions to foster an "open and honest conversation about race."

Uber workers, including those from a "Black at Uber" group, complained about the sessions with one black employee saying they were "tone-deaf, offensive and triggering."

The email from Krishnamurthy and Khosrowshahi said, "We have heard that many of you are in pain and upset by yesterday’s Moving Forward session. While it was meant to be a dialogue, it’s obvious that those who attended did not feel heard."

Lee responded to the criticism and said, "sometimes being pushed out of your own strategic ignorance is the right thing to do."

Via Slack messages, black and Hispanic members of the "Black at Uber" channel and "Los Ubers" channel said, "I just don't even understand the premise of the meeting."

"I think when people are called Karens it’s implied that this is someone that has little empathy to others or is bothered by minorities others that don’t look like them. Like why can’t bad behavior not be called out?" Another wrote.

The employees praised Krishnamurthy and Khosrowshahi for placing Lee on leave, with one saying, "You deserve a pay raise and/or time off for all this unpaid emotional labor."
berryberry's Avatar
So to recap:

the Asian DEI officer puts on a seminar to explore discrimination white women receive

and the

black and latino women at Uber revolt, calling it tone deaf, triggering, etc.

I guess they think discrimination only goes one way

lustylad's Avatar
I can't imagine a more worthless corporate position than DEI officer. We should rename this title "Chief Corporate Shit Stirrer". The job description should read - sit around all day dreaming up new ways to foster friction, animus, and grievances throughout the employee work force. At the end of the day, the DEI officer doesn't add any value to a company, but only detracts from it. Uber's experience was entirely predictable and will be followed by others.
berryberry's Avatar
I can't imagine a more worthless corporate position than DEI officer. We should rename this title "Chief Corporate Shit Stirrer". The job description should read - sit around all day dreaming up new ways to foster friction, animus, and grievances throughout the employee work force. At the end of the day, the DEI officer doesn't add any value to a company, but only detracts from it. Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh. I agree completely. Before I retired, at my last job, the far left idiot in charge hired a DEI officer. Biggest waste of money ever. She was worthless. I went to the first session she put on and refused to go to any more. In fact, my entire department asked me if they had to go to this insanity and I told them no.

I heard lots of complaints from others too.

So my boss (the far left idiot in charge) said I haven't seen you or your department at any of the DEI sessions. And I said yep - they are worthless and we are not wasting our time. He became offended and said well I really want everyone there. I just smiled and said well that's not going to happen. I will just leave before subjecting me and my team to that. And that was that - he never mentioned it again to me because he knew he couldn't afford to lose me.

After I retired and things went downhill, the far left idiot in charge got shit canned by the board because of his DEI initiatives
HDGristle's Avatar
So much tension over DEI. Did you get a write-up and an early retirement?
berryberry's Avatar
So much tension over DEI. Did you get a write-up and an early retirement? Originally Posted by HDGristle

Nope - as CFO/COO I was more valuable to the company than the far left idiot in charge and he knew it. Things went downhill after I left

But I did choose to retire quite early - one of the perks of being such a success in life. Maybe one day you will be so fortunate. I doubt it but you can still hope.

The idiot DEI officer he hired also got shit canned when the board axed the the far left idiot in charge. I heard that it was a glorious day
HDGristle's Avatar
And yet you're still so bitter about it. Methinks there's more here than meets the eye.

DEI is here to stay. And in reality it's been around quite a awhile.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I can't imagine a more worthless corporate position than DEI officer. We should rename this title "Chief Corporate Shit Stirrer". The job description should read - sit around all day dreaming up new ways to foster friction, animus, and grievances throughout the employee work force. At the end of the day, the DEI officer doesn't add any value to a company, but only detracts from it. Uber's experience was entirely predictable and will be followed by others. Originally Posted by lustylad

a contrived leftist woke nonsense position that didn't exist until recently and won't last long either. it's a fad kinda like a hula hoop or a slinky

And yet you're still so bitter about it. Methinks there's more here than meets the eye.

DEI is here to stay. And in reality it's been around quite a awhile. Originally Posted by HDGristle

berryberry's Avatar
And yet you're still so bitter about it. Methinks there's more here than meets the eye.

DEI is here to stay. And in reality it's been around quite a awhile. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Not bitter at all. I am loving life. Wake up when I want, do what I want.

I predicted it would happen. Even warned some people about it.
I still have some friends at the company as well as some on the board so it was amusing to hear the stories from them when it all went down. Just like I predicted. They even tried to get me to come back after they shit canned him but I am enjoying retirement too much
HDGristle's Avatar
Instead of pointing out superficial bullshit about these two events and DEI as a whole as part of a mundane gotcha, it would be interesting to see the actual training that was put on and how the conversations evolved or devolved.

Let's also recall that these were handled as 500 person Zoom meetings. These types of crucial conversations are delivered in far smaller, tighter groups and best delivered in-person. Harder to do for such a decentralized company. More costly, but worth it if they're putting their money where their mouth is. So there would be legitimate questions about format.

If the sessions were titled what they've been reportedly titled, there's a legitimate question of forced provocation and sensationalism in the presentation. Which can make sense in some ways if used effectively and in the proper setting. In others, it can create a potentially unnecessary tight rope that can easily fall into derailment and escalation in even a small group setting let alone the Zoom format.

Quite a bit of additional discussion.

But we're not looking at that because this is a provocative, sensationalist shitpost from a cultural arsonist trying to poke the libs instead of engage in meaningful discussion.
berryberry's Avatar
a contrived leftist woke nonsense position that didn't exist until recently and won't last long either. it's a fad kinda like a hula hoop or a slinky Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It is indeed. More leftist bullshit being pushed on normal Americans. And in this case it is hilarious to see the outcome

Again, you have an Asian DEI officer who puts on a seminar to explore discrimination that white women receive

But the black and latino women at Uber revolt, calling it tone deaf, triggering, etc.

Why do they think discrimination only goes one way?

It exposes the whole woke leftist DEI farce