Rant About Provider/Providers

I am really chapped by the behavior of some providers, one in particular that gave me a NC/NS and just has a mean streak a foot wide. She advertises her "toys4boys" and is just not real. I am sure ymmv, but I have not had good luck with her. I have seen many others, and never encountered such a [no need for name calling, even if you leave out one letter in it - bushaholic]. I text, I call, it was midnight and she texts back that she will not make it. I am sick of the poo. We pay them well for an hour, a night and what you end up with is some chick who promises the workd overnight and give you 2 shots on goal and wants to sleep while her dog scratches all over the place. Why cannot the customer be treated like one by the provider.

SAVE YOUR MONEY GUYS, DO NOT SEE ADDISIN AMY....She has to be 145# DRY, and DOES NOT DELIVER AS PROMISED. Why can we not have a few more like what PC has to offer. The real deal that delivers as promised.

Just my RANT
Blurr 7's Avatar
Wrong forum
daddyo67's Avatar
wrong world!!
Bushaholic's Avatar
[moved from "Welcome & Introductions - Dallas" - bushaholic]
I'm sorry you didn't have a good time but please don't generalize that all providers are like who you saw. There are SO many great girls on here, and every once and a while you'll get a bad apple; but with proper research you will be in good hands

&& IMO you should write a review on her instead of the namecalling, that's just tasteless.
i was under the impression we were to share experiences, not tell others who not to see.

I will just say that Addison Amy is ok by me. Sorry things didn't go so well for you.
rex4998's Avatar
somebody call the waaaaaaaaaambulance
My apologies to all of you. I have seen many other providers in DFW and other cities in my travel and made some great friends. I did not intend to flame or over generalize. It is the first time in many years of "hobbying" that I really felt like I was ripped off. I have had times where Miss Melissa was not in the greatest of moods, but she made the session great. Same for the many providers I have seen from PC. I guess it was a bad night for all.

Now please stop flaming me. I am not normally so vocal.
pyramider's Avatar
The hobby is simple. Bad experience, move on.

Hate to be perceived as a White Knight, so take this in the spirit intended. Not sure where you initially saw Addison Amy's ad, but let's assume it was here. Also not sure if you're a frequent overnighter with the ladies, but let's assume you're not.

I wonder if you did any research on here to check Amy's reviews? Maybe you would have gleaned a bot more information about her body type and her session styles if you did? Also not sure if you did any research on what makes for great overnight visits, but it seems like you threw caution to the wind by booking an overnight with a lady you've never met before. Chemistry and passion are a bit easier to feign for an hour, than a whole night.

So, in the spirit of the brethren, maybe a bit more research might help in the future. (Yes, I read the part where you have had no such bad fortune with others. Maybe it was luck, and the odds were leading up to a so-so visit?) Why you would book an overnight tryst for a first time meeting is beyond me.

Oh, and another thing that has me puzzled. You rant about a NC/NS, yet subsequently (and also in the review forum) you complain about "only two shots on goal, and a scratching dog." So which is it?

Lastly, this board affects a lady's income, in already troubled economic times. You might want to cool off for a bit before calling a lady names, and posting an irate attack. Matter of fact reviews are a much better way to convey the type of experience YOU had. That may or may not be indicative of what others have or will experience. Let a gent decide on his own.

Just my $.02

....reviews are a much better way to convey the type of experience YOU had. Originally Posted by Tony Patella
oh no no no no! Then I wouldn't get to read it!

(j.k. , you're probably right)


Oh, and another thing that has me puzzled. You rant about a NC/NS, yet subsequently (and also in the review forum) you complain about "only two shots on goal, and a scratching dog." So which is it?
Originally Posted by Tony Patella
o.k, on second thought I REALLY want to read the anwers to this mystery. This is entertaining.
ANONONE's Avatar
So why not just write a review rather than this weird, rambling nonsensical rant?

So why not just write a review rather than this weird, rambling nonsensical rant? Originally Posted by ANONONE

He did ... Click Here
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Shea you use the term review very loosely...if that's a review I'm the King of Siam!!!

Shea you use the term review very loosely...if that's a review I'm the King of Siam!!! Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy

Pick someone else, fortwortholdguy. I didn't use it, ANONONE did. I simply quoted him and provided the requested post/link.

If this is the best you can do at poo slinging, then you're wasting a beautiful day and the remainder of the weekend.

I won't bother to re-check this thread. So if you reply, I won't see it. *yawns*