Hello Austin

Cadence Steele's Avatar
staff edit ynot
TryWeakly's Avatar
There is still time to edit.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I missed alot of you all last time I was in town in January. Im coming back threw and would love to see you. Im pre booking now , just pm me and I will provide my phone number after screening . I look forward to meeting you. No AA


Cadence Steele Originally Posted by Cadence Steele
Are you so desperate for business that you have to place an ad in CoEd?

You are only 75 miles away so if there was any demand for you a regular as would suffice.
Treetop78759's Avatar
My bad. The demand will probably be there since she charges less than an AMP.
At least she was honest about it.

Unlike the "where should I stay" or " what's a good restaurant when I come next month".