Eugenics can save America and europe

Hornier Than Thou's Avatar
Let's face it. Third world immigration, both legal and illegal, are ruining America. Overpopulation is driving housing costs and traffic through the roof. Our hospitals, schools and detention centers and infrastructure are overwhelmed.

And the people who should be having kids are not, or they are waiting to have kids later or having less kids. The reckless breeders bear fatherless children who will grow to be super predators and career criminals.

How can this be stopped? First, the politicians who enable this must be stopped.

And second, and we need a eugenics program. No more third world immigration, be it legal or illegal. Felons and prison inmates should be sterilized. Women who want welfare should be sterilized.
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TheDaliLama's Avatar

These people never give up.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You know we tried eugenics in this country from the 1920s to the 1970s. Anyone feel better because of it? Of course we didn't go as far as the Nazis and kill whole classes of people. We were just happy to those that Margaret Sanger said were undesirables. After Roe v Wade it became public policy...and a personal choice.