New Years Challenge

rebel97's Avatar
I want to issue out a challenge to both men and ladies for this ong weekend. I can already say that you should not worry about last place because I will proudly hold that title this time.

No one here won the "big" lotto, but why should that stop the fun.

Go out and have fun and I mean real fun. Enjoy your time with your family, go out and get drunk, and/or hook-up with your favorite lady or gentleman. Kick off the new year like it's 1999. I missed my chance, but why should my laziness effect everyone's else's fun/

It's a new year, enjoy it ladies and genntal....dudes.
Says the guy with no reviews
bluffcityguy's Avatar
It's a nice thought, but lack of spondulix prevents me from doing much besides cocooning at home and cooking up a storm... I'll probably gain 10 pounds minimum before I go back to work Tuesday.

If I can just hold out until payday...


rebel97's Avatar
Good luck BCG. I take it you didn't win the 1.4 billion either. oh well. Maybe next time.

Sorry Reb, I just choose not to review because I've been very lucky in my encounters that they have left me unworthy to talk about. I'm too much of a dork to be able to review it and not eloquent enough to properly justify a review. But thanks for reminding me of that....maybe my stupid mouth will get untied one day, but I wouldn't count on it...I'm pretty stupid.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Good luck BCG. I take it you didn't win the 1.4 billion either. oh well. Maybe next time. Originally Posted by rebel97
The story of my life: other inconsiderate bastards keep winning my Powerball jackpots. Nonetheless, I persevere.

Though as noted elsewhere around here, Snowmageddon '16 was pretty much a non-event in Memphis. My original plan involved planning to grocery shop on Sunday morning (despite predicted brutal cold) because I figured I'd need Saturday to let the roads clear. Turned out that we had so little frozen dihydrogen monoxide precipitate from the sky that I ventured out Saturday and couldn't tell there was much of a winter storm the day before.

Saturday night I had tickets to see Bill Maher at the Orpheum... Good show, and the man is as funny in person as he is on his HBO show (I've seen him live at least four times now--once in Chicago, twice in Memphis, and once in Huntsville, AL), but... he was only on stage for about 60 minutes or so... maybe 70 tops (the show was scheduled for 8 PM; Maher came onstage about 8:20-8:25 or so. When the house lights came up I dashed from my seat to my car (parked in the lot just across Beale Street from the theater), and when I got in the clock in my car (accurate to within a couple minutes or so) was reading 9:35... Next time he's here in Memphis I have to rethink whether it's really worth paying over $1/minute to see him...

But a relaxing weekend, and thanks to the snow day I got a lot of work done that I wouldn't have if my workplace hadn't closed for the day. I can't complain.


SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
I went to see him last time he was here. He was amazingly hilarious. If he wasn't such a raging bag of dicks I'd have gladly given him some more of my money. He's just crossed the line too many times for my taste.