
Hi All!

Some of you may know me from the Houston forums, and although I now live here in Austin, I rarely post in this forum...

But lately, I've really felt the need to. Whispers' most current thread ([ame="http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=21882"]Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies - eccie.net[/ame]) truly struck a nerve with me and I wanted to start this thread and get some input:

Because we as providers and hobbyists are for the most part, social misfits, it saddens and disappoints me to see so much mudslinging and and animosity towards each other. It seems to me like people on both sides feel like they are being fucked (and not in a good way lol) by each other. Why is this?

My feelings as a provider are this:
Although this is my job, it's my passion as well. I LIKE what I do. And this year, on the dawn of my 24th birthday, I can say I have been more places, and done and seen more things than my civvie girlfriends my age. Why? Because I am a provider....

With that said, I never, ever forget what I am providing to someone who decides to see me. I understand, realize and whole-heartedly appreciate what all of my clients go through just to pay to spend time with me. So many men sacrifice their jobs, family, and social standing just to pay for a few hours of my time. Why in the world would I would I view hobbyists with contempt?

So why am I reading so may hurtful, accusatory and just down right mean things from many of the hobbyists on this forum? Why do you feel cheated? I appreciate you and I hope you appreciate me...

I am a young, childless, single woman who travels the nation providing escort services. I'm barely 5'5 and weigh 110lbs soaking wet... I may talk a good game, but at the end of the day, I am tiny woman and if someone wanted to do harm to me, they very easily could. This fear is what I deal with on daily basis. Not mention my family and friends deserting me because I work in the adult industry... or getting in trouble with the law... or the crippling lonliness and isolation that comes along with living a secret life.

I'm sorry to be long winded, but my point is that hobbyists and providers are partners... NOT adversaries. Can we please stop demeaning each other? Hobbyists can you please stop telling us providers how much we are monetarily worth? Providers can you please stop bitching about guys who can't afford your rates(and, its high time to treat the ones who CAN pay your rates with with the ultimate respect)? Hell, we're really the only ones who understand each other. Now lets all sing "Kumbaya" and go fuck.
Well I now have another favorite female poster.

Please post more. Seriously.

Thanks. And you are hotter than hell.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Very well said Kara!
Thanks, KaraLynn, for taking the time and having the goodness of heart to put to words what so many of us would like to communicate to others in this forum. You said it all and said it well. Bravo!


P.S. I recognize that some of you think very differently than we do. I can only hope that you will read KaraLynn's post with an empathetic spirit, and will embrace its message. Hasn't there been enough divisiveness? What better way to get past this than to focus on our commonalities? And so for just a moment--or a day or a week--I have a request...say something NICE or show some self-restraint and SAY NOTHING. It may grow on you! Have a nice fucking day!
ferdburf's Avatar
KaraLynn, you sing, and I'll fulfill the rest of the bargain. Trust me, you don't wanna hear me sing.

And, by the way, thanks for very tactfully saying what needed to be said.
I think I'm in looooooove now!!!!!! You know, that hobbyist-provider type of love. :-)
I'm gonna have to get my "secret wallet" out and make an appointment with this very insightfull lady named KaraLynnKelley.

Thank you for a great post.
sixxbach's Avatar

very classy.... you are gorgeous!
Kara I have been out for awhile and have not read the other post, but can only imagine the mud slinging. What you have spoke is so right on target and agree 100% with you need to post more love!!! Great Job!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I have been trying to tell you guys for awhile that this girl is the bomb.Her attitude is great.Her looks phenomenal.Her skills are unparalleled.
Amen, sister .......... well said.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 03-03-2010, 07:54 AM
And you are hotter than hell. Originally Posted by down41
Kara, I second that!
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
Bravo, Beautiful!
missi hart's Avatar
loved your post. thanks karalynn
I couldn't agree more! And, you are absolutely stunning! I hope to see you post more as well! I would like to see the tone of the posts change and the board become a more inviting place for ladies and gents to post and contribute. If we can all just put the meaness aside, I think it will make both sides feel more welcome to share. Well said, lovely lady and the guys DO need to understand that we appreciate them.
Could you kindly post this in Dallas to, i'll be your very best best friend if you did. Great post!