
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I heard this on the radio last night. These women were talking about things they had kept from former lovers as souvenirs or SCREW-venirs.

Many of us have done this. Do you have any screw-venirs from former lovers, or ATF providers/clients?

I will start. I have a couple pictures in my wallet of the "one who got away", and I keep panties of girls I have been with. NOT PROVIDERS, just had to put that out there, these are civilian girls who knew I was keeping their undies. A lot of guys do this.

Where is my co-host Roxanne? Let's get the phone lines open.
gman44's Avatar
first time caller here

I really only have memories from my past sessions, I wish that I had more
rekcaSxT's Avatar
You are welcome to talk about your real world experiences as well, not just "sessions".
richcran's Avatar
Damn! Late night goes morning shift? I have never heard of keeping panties for have enlightened me! I like pics........very dangerous to have or keep, but I like them nonetheless...........
knotty man's Avatar
it puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.....jk. party on garth!
Guest062010's Avatar
Keep their panties? Screw-venirs? Um. I can't seem to move past the fact that you keep their panties.
Ima git my snack packs now. This is gonna be good. Self posted alerts run amok! ~K
nuglet's Avatar
And some guys wonder how they get busted... jeesh!
Why not just get signed testimonials from your conquests? TFF
GneissGuy's Avatar
Gee, now I wonder if there's going to be a rash of petty thefts of items from ladies' incalls after sessions by guys who like the idea of having a screwvenir.

Maybe the ladies should have a bowl of chotskies in the bathroom for the guys to take screwvenirs from.
nuglet's Avatar
Gee, now I wonder if there's going to be a rash of petty thefts of items from ladies' incalls after sessions by guys who like the idea of having a screwvenir.

Maybe the ladies should have a bowl of chotskies in the bathroom for the guys to take screwvenirs from. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Yeah, like the New Orleans Mardi Gras necklaces strung with little dicks or vaginas. Maybe imprinted with their website URL.
Shit usually in the civie world its the women leaving things on purpose not the guy keeping a trophy. It is so common for girls to leave a bra or panties that I always do recon on my place when then leave. Girls do this stuff to "mark" their territory or give them an excuse to come back if they had fun.

If they are marking thier territory they leave it in a place where you won't see it but other girls will. Guys are usually oblivious to the tell tale signs that a women was there. My last girlfriend even confronted me about cleaning up some strategically placed hairs she left when we were in the broken up but still hooking up stage.

If I find a bra or panty that I don't immediately know who left it, it goes in the trash. When they ask about it I'll tell them I haven't seen it. That the maid must have put it up somewhere and it'll turn up. Nothings worse than giving a girl the wrong earrings or bra.
Shit usually in the civie world its the women leaving things on purpose not the guy keeping a trophy. It is so common for girls to leave a bra or panties that I always do recon on my place when then leave. Girls do this stuff to "mark" their territory or give them an excuse to come back if they had fun.

If they are marking thier territory they leave it in a place where you won't see it but other girls will. Guys are usually oblivious to the tell tale signs that a women was there. My last girlfriend even confronted me about cleaning up some strategically placed hairs she left when we were in the broken up but still hooking up stage. Originally Posted by discretionaryincome
Yup. Ponytail holders on stick shifts, hair clips on towel rods, tampons in bathroom drawers. I'm not sure where I learned these things, but since I haven't dated women, I'm assuming I read it in Cosmo or saw it on Tyra. Regardless, it means that someone out there is encouraging this sort of behavior. Interesting. They market it as advice -- leave little trinkets that he can accidentally find and he'll naturally become more comfortable with your new role in his life. Leaving your hairs around on purpose is a little creepster, though.

But uh...yeah.
richcran's Avatar
+1 on the hair thing........
Do you have any screw-venirs from former lovers, or ATF providers/clients?
Funny you asked! I almost got a screw-venier the other night. I met my GF at a local coffee shop for a latte and chat after work. When our evening was ending, I walked her to the car, reached in to give her a kiss good night. Next thing I know we are in a deep lip-lock and she rips her panties off and shoves them in my pocket!

Unfortunately, I was unable to take the panties home with me, I don't think the SO would have appreciated it. But, at least her panties stayed dry. I can't say the same for her skirt and car seat

Funny you asked! I almost got a screw-venier the other night. I met my GF at a local coffee shop for a latte and chat after work. When our evening was ending, I walked her to the car, reached in to give her a kiss good night. Next thing I know we are in a deep lip-lock and she rips her panties off and shoves them in my pocket!

Unfortunately, I was unable to take the panties home with me, I don't think the SO would have appreciated it. But, at least her panties stayed dry. I can't say the same for her skirt and car seat

Java Originally Posted by CupOfJava

Love it Java,

The closest I have ever come is the panty thing. Guys love it and I have lost alot of undies that way, in this and civvie world....

Maybe I should start going without....
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
JAva Im giving you 'that" look now lol J/k....................

Does a forever tender spot on my head count from where I knock my self out on the night stand?